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F-35B/C Lightning II (Joint Strike Fighter)

Jeez, how fast were they going?

Your comment reminds me of an incident that happened a couple of years ago about the Viper guy from Shaw that was on an IP upgrade, G-LOC'd and came to going about 1.4 mach, pointy end towards the water at an unrecoverable altitude. He punched out and lived, but he compound fractured both femurs, broke his right wrist in 4 places, I believe it dislocated his elbow or shoulder on the left side and he cut his face up pretty bad. The rescue swimmer couldn't safely put him in the basket, so he stayed with him for about 45 minutes to an hour before a Navy boat came and got them.

Last I heard he is back flying though.

Contrary to popular belief, Hollywood, TV or bar stories.

Ejecting out of an aircraft is not a "fun" procedure and unless you have everything in place like the book says you almost always get hurt in some form. I know because I am now almost 3 inches shorter than when I went into the military as a result of compressing two disc in disolving a third, fracturing the left shoulder ball joint and breaking my shoulder two places below the shoulder joint and one above and cracking the shoulder joint ball cap.

Hence the reason I now limp around in corporate transports watching "younger" guys have all the fun with tactical jets.

If you can walk away your lucky, if you live your grateful. :icon_wink


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
Jeez, how fast were they going?

More an issue of body position than speed - since he was hanging in the straps, the seat had at least several inches of free travel after it fired before it contacted (impacted?) his legs. Since there was no body mass in the seat as it fired, it was free to accelerate much quicker than the manufacturer intended for most scenarios. The much-feared "seat slap" (and broken femurs) should have been the outcome, but I guess the guy used up several of his 9 lives that day.


Israel to Receive F-35s

According to The Daily Star, the IAF will indeed be flying the F-35. The article states "[A] senior Israeli government source said that under the defense package, the United States agreed to sell the Jewish state the new generation F-35 fighter jet."

Granted the article doesn't go into much detail, in fact what was stated above is all that was said. Nonetheless, I thought it an interesting piece of news that others might want to see.

Makes sense we sell them everything else and with all the European countries being iffy on wanting to commit because of delays and cost, why not offer to someone you know has the cash and is willing to pay as has been shown in the past.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense we sell them everything else and with all the European countries being iffy on wanting to commit because of delays and cost, why not offer to someone you know has the cash and is willing to pay as has been shown in the past.

Because they handed over sensative knowledge to the Chinese.....


Well-Known Member
Mebbe you mean .... like the U.S. does when it suits our military, economic, or political purposes ... ??? :)

Yeah but when the whole thing that caused the uproar about overseas sales of the F-22/F-35's was the big deal about technology being handed over to people we didnt want getting it, it doesnt exactly bode well to give it to somebody with Israel's track record.

I still support the Israelis but some of the stuff they have gotten away with... damn.


....I still support the Israelis but some of the stuff they have gotten away with... damn.
I guess when half of the world is trying to exterminate you and the other half really doesn't give a damn ... it kinda changes one's perspective. Yes?? :)
Because they handed over sensative knowledge to the Chinese.....

Lets just not bring up Clinton, the Chinese and Los Alamos then right.....

Last I looked the Isreali's buy alot of our stuff barebones and put their own software in it, yes I do remember reading about the issue where they sold the chinese (missle tech wasn't it?) but then we have had stuff get out from the Japanese (why we won't sell them the F-22) and the Tawianese as well.

My main guess for the reason of the agreed sale to them as stated was because of the Italians starting to consider going to the Typhoon instead due to delays on the F-35 and I think the Aussies were considering changing to the F-18F (someone confirm for me) due to more commonality with thier current fleet of Hornets.


Well-Known Member
Last I looked the Isreali's buy alot of our stuff barebones and put their own software in it, yes I do remember reading about the issue where they sold the chinese (missle tech wasn't it?) but then we have had stuff get out from the Japanese (why we won't sell them the F-22) and the Tawianese as well.

My main guess for the reason of the agreed sale to them as stated was because of the Italians starting to consider going to the Typhoon instead due to delays on the F-35 and I think the Aussies were considering changing to the F-18F (someone confirm for me) due to more commonality with thier current fleet of Hornets.

The Aussies are still on board for JSF the big question was "Do we buy Rhinos for now because these F-111's are getting way long in the tooth" which in a sense sounds like a good idea given that the delivery date for the F-35 is at best written in sand right now. Even that though is a very hotly contested issue in Austrailia as it is definately not the "cheap" way to go.

The big Israeli deal that comes to most peoples minds would be the Lavi project where a lot of the technology provided or that was done as joint development ended up in China. Between that and seeming to want to stick their avionics in everybody elses Mig/Su in the world I think there is a justifiable arguement for not wanting to hand over all that sweet R&D that is going to come out of the JSF.

Really I think if anybody had a fair shot at getting the Raptor (short of England axing the Typhoon) it would be the Japanese but even that doesnt look likely in the immediate future.
Ahhhh right now I remember that bastard stepchild F-16 !!!

What was it we were going to withhold from them if they kept going on that, was it the Abrams or the F15E?

I thought in the end it wasn't really an issue per say; State was pissed of course but Defense not so much because the Chinese can't come up with engines that work consistantly.

I remember Combat Aircraft had a big article on the Chinese J10 and that was the thing they highlighted all the way through the article was that the radar and engines couldn't perform reliably.


.....if anybody had a fair shot at getting the Raptor .... it would be the Japanese ...
Yeah .... Let's just hope the J's don't bring Toshiba in on the deal ... then the Rooskies could have Raptor technology as well as formerly classified silent sub propulsion technology ... :eek:


Super Moderator
The Aussies are still on board for JSF the big question was "Do we buy Rhinos for now because these F-111's are getting way long in the tooth" which in a sense sounds like a good idea given that the delivery date for the F-35 is at best written in sand right now. Even that though is a very hotly contested issue in Austrailia as it is definately not the "cheap" way to go.

Not sure if you were getting at it but the Aussies have already agreed to buy 24 F/A-18F's to replace their F-111's.



More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Really I think if anybody had a fair shot at getting the Raptor (short of England axing the Typhoon) it would be the Japanese but even that doesnt look likely in the immediate future.

I remember reading that the South Koreans were worried about the Japanese getting the F-22. A little paranoid perhaps, but grudges die hard...


UAL CA; retired hinge
Mebbe you mean .... like the U.S. does when it suits ourmilitary, economic, or political purposes ... ??? :)
the US sales F-15's to Israel ... over the years Israel develops EA pods and other stuff ... Israel sales those pods & the other stuff to India ... India hosts USAF F-15's for Cope India '04 ... USAF F-15's gets "slammed" by the Indian AF during Cope India '04, per well publicized news media ... the USAF uses the outcome of Cope India '04 to justify to Congress the need for the F-22.
