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What are my chances of getting selected?

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Registered User
Hey, I've got a very serious problem and I would like some feedback so i'll know what to expect later and what I need to do now.
I'm wanting to be a ground officer in the Marines but i'm afraid that I have blew my chances. On my 20th birthday I got drunk and recked my truck. I was arrested for D.U.I. and Underage Consumption. In court the State Police asked the judge to reduce my charges because of my honesty and cooperation. The State Trooper also said that he could tell what kind of person I was, and that i've never had ANYTHING on my criminal record or even in high school. The judge ruduced my charges to Reckless Driving and Underage Consumption. I was told by the procuting attorney that I was "extremly lucky" because my D.U.I. was "ripped up" and that he could "easily" count of one hand how many times this has happened in 8
I know what I did was wrong and very stupid, I just want to know if this will elliminate me from being selected for O.C.S. I havent taken any qualifing tests or anything yet but I'm pretty sure that i'll be average on the mental tests and well above average on any physical test. When i'm ready to apply in 3 years, my G.P.A. will probably be around a 3.5 with an Electrical Engineering Technology degree. The arrest will be 3 1/2 years ago. I'll have about 7 1/2 years of experience working full time in an electric motor shop. I'm really a good guy I just screwed up. I can get some real good letters of recomandation and some good references. I'm not in any extra activities at college, would it help if I got involved or would it not even matter? Will I need to Enlist and then try applying later or is it still unlikely that i'll be selected? Thanks for any input.


To be honest, your chances of getting selected with that on your record are going to be slim. However, since it was a while ago and you've never done anything like that before or after, it's not gonna hurt to try. It seems like you're a good student and a hard worker, so I would go ahead and work your hardest to try to get selected. The worst they can say is no. Everybody makes mistakes, some are just worse than others. Just do your best, work hard, and try. It would definately be benificial for you to get involved in extracuricular activities at school. Good luck.


Registered User
Same situation

It is almost uncanny how similar a situation I am in. I was pulled over for a DUI 3 years ago (got pulled over cause I had a headlight out). I went to court, it got dismissed (my BAC was too low to be charged), and I got hit with a Minor in Consumption and an "operating a water craft while inebriated" (dont ask what a watercraft has to do with it, it was just a lesser charge offered as part of the plea bargain). I told this to my OSO. He said I needed a waiver. Guess what? He talked to his commanding officer and its not going to be a problem AT ALL. In fact, according to my OSO the CO even laughed at how strange the charge was. I also need a waiver for a Disorderly Conduct (loud college party). So I have these two stupid arrest waivers. But my OSO isnt concerned. He said since October's class is going to be larger than June, they aren't going to be all that stringent on granting waivers. Honestly, I would be extremely optimistic if I were you. Especially if that is the only thing on your record. Look, LOTS of people need waivers. In fact, my OSO said it is very rare that somebody doesn't need at least one. Get in touch with an OSO, I'm pretty sure it won't be the issue you think it is.


Registered User
Yeah, a DUI conviction would be a much bigger deal, obviously. But notice he was let off the charge. Trust me wonderboy, like I said, I am in the exact same situation and my OSO isn't worried the least bit.
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