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Vision Tests for SWO

SanDog Native

What percent of SWOs get boats?
I want to start by thanking everyone on this board for all of the great info. I’ve been lurking on this board for a while, and it definitely has been a valuable resource in putting together my package. I’m applying SWO, trying to get my package in for the October board. This is my first post, as most of the questions I had could be answered by using the search function.

I have a few questions regarding vision requirements for SWOs that I was hoping some of you could help me with (especially the handful of SWOs on this board).

I visited my civilian eye doctor about a month prior to my wonderful day at MEPS earlier this week, and based on his examination I would be PQ for SWO. My vision was correctable to 20/20, and I can pass depth perception tests with corrective lenses. According to my eye doctor, I have a mild color deficiency, but I got 12/14 correct on Ishihara color vision test. According to my eye exam at MEPS, I am not correctable to 20/20 and have no depth perception. I also failed the Ishihara test at MEPS and barely passed the Falant test.

It is my understanding that if you do not meet the vision requirements based on the eye exam given at MEPS, you can visit a civilian doctor and if you meet the requirements based on the civilian doctor’s eye exam, you’re good to go.

My question is, since this civilian eye exam was conducted before MEPS, do I have to have another eye exam from my civilian doc, or can I use the exam that was conducted a little over a month ago? Do I have to pay for another eye exam that is dated after my MEPS exam?

Also, how far will the civilian doc’s eye exam take me? Does it just get you in the door and that’s it, or will it be good for a certain length of time (i.e. 1 year, 2 years, etc)? I know that there is a physical early during OCS. If I bomb the eye exam when I get to Rhode Island, am I NPQ and given the boot, or will my civilian eye doc’s, exam cover me?

What about after OCS? Is there an additional eye exam that SWOs must undergo after graduating OCS? If so what happens if I fail the vision test then?

The reason I am worried about future vision tests is because according to my eye doctor, my eyes have difficulty relaxing and this is why I usually bomb vision tests. I just don’t want to get NPQ’d somewhere down the line and end up getting kick out the Navy.

Any help and insight is greatly appreciated.