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U.S. Draft back in 2005?

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Registered User
I don't know if I completely agree with that. I don't think people who are drafted would plan on completing twenty years. As far as the money issue, the reason the military gets paid almost comparable to the civilian sector now is because we are a volunteer force. Once conscription is begun, say goodbye to any pay raises in the near future. I think the reason has more to do with the political repercussions of a draft as opposed to the money. This administration has consistently demonstrated they're not afraid to spend. Also, the idea for a civilian workforce is ridiculous. There's another name for it: indentured servitude. Our federal government is already running a half trillion dollar deficit; the last thing we need is another massive government program. Who the hell wants to be like Germany? Their economy is stagnant and inflation is around 11-15% depending on where you are. America was founded on individual sacrifice, entrepreneurship, and free enterprise. If we don't have the number of individuals in this country willing to volunteer to protect her, then we don't deserve the liberties we enjoy.


Registered User
I would not be so quick to put Germany down! They kick our asses in many areas. They have an education system that puts us to shame. Most teenages in Germany have learned 3 languages by the time that they graduate high school. Not to mention other languages they may learn simply by their geography in Europe. How many people in America can say that of themselves? Their colleges blow ours out of the water, not to mention if you can meet the high standards of these Universities for admission... you will not pay a penny!!! They take more pride in having educated that can contribute to society, where as our colleges only care about cashing in on huge student bills! They are some of, if not the, cleanist people in the world. Every German recycles like there is no tomorrow. It is impressive! They have a good health care system, not perfect, but better than ours. Frankfurt (am Main) is the financial capital of all of Europe. They have produced some of the worlds best music, Beethoven & Mozart, and geniuses, like Albert Einstein, and some of the best soldiers the world has ever seen. Wheither you like or dislike what Germany may have done in past wars, you have to admit that they are a war machine. Every time they decide to go to war they dominate all of Europe. Those boys know how to kick some a**. It must be in their genetics or something. I am proud to be an American and wouldn't trade it for anything. But if I had to belong to another country, Germany would be it. No country is perfect, but I am afraid that the U.S. is falling rediculously behind other nations in alot of areas. We need to get back on top in every area like we once were.


OCC 186 Bound
I might admire the Germans, but I still realize they got their arses kicked everytime they acted up.


Super Moderator
buck_ttu06 said:
I would not be so quick to put Germany down! They kick our asses in many areas. They have an education system that puts us to shame. Most teenages in Germany have learned 3 languages by the time that they graduate high school. Not to mention other languages they may learn simply by their geography in Europe. How many people in America can say that of themselves? Their colleges blow ours out of the water, not to mention if you can meet the high standards of these Universities for admission... you will not pay a penny!!! They take more pride in having educated that can contribute to society, where as our colleges only care about cashing in on huge student bills! They are some of, if not the, cleanist people in the world. Every German recycles like there is no tomorrow. It is impressive! They have a good health care system, not perfect, but better than ours. Frankfurt (am Main) is the financial capital of all of Europe. They have produced some of the worlds best music, Beethoven & Mozart, and geniuses, like Albert Einstein, and some of the best soldiers the world has ever seen. Wheither you like or dislike what Germany may have done in past wars, you have to admit that they are a war machine. Every time they decide to go to war they dominate all of Europe. Those boys know how to kick some a**. It must be in their genetics or something. I am proud to be an American and wouldn't trade it for anything. But if I had to belong to another country, Germany would be it. No country is perfect, but I am afraid that the U.S. is falling rediculously behind other nations in alot of areas. We need to get back on top in every area like we once were.

While there are many things to admire about other countries, even Germany, there are some bad things to along with it. In Germany the unemployment rate hovers between 10-15% depending on where you live. While they have an enviable education system, it is chosen pretty early (beginning of high school) whether or not you go to college. I would not have made that standard. Many Germans spend their 20's trying to find themselves in college or wandering around Europe on vacation. What is wrong with that? Those vaunted social services will be bankrupt in a few years without the young tax base to pay for it, the population in Germany is actually declining. And their military is being decimated. It is a hollow shell of what it used to be just 10 years ago

There is much to admire about some other countries but you have to look at both sides of the story.
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