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Transition from Academy to NROTC


New Member
OK this is very complicated. I am 21 years old. I am from San FranFRico CA. Most of my life I have wanted to be in the military. I was living my dream of going to the Naval Academy for 2 years until I made and academic mistake which I have corrected now. I am at a school that does not have NROTC so I applied and got into The Citadel. I am very excited to attend…. other than being a knob since I was a plebe but hell I get to do it twice.
I am trying to learn as much as I can about the NROTC and the unit at The Citadel. Will my past hurt my chances of getting a scholarship? If so how does this advance standing college program work and does the Martine rotc have the college program


Super Moderator
OK this is very complicated. I am 21 years old. I am from San FranFRico CA. Most of my life I have wanted to be in the military. I was living my dream of going to the Naval Academy for 2 years until I made and academic mistake which I have corrected now. I am at a school that does not have NROTC so I applied and got into The Citadel. I am very excited to attend…. other than being a knob since I was a plebe but hell I get to do it twice.
I am trying to learn as much as I can about the NROTC and the unit at The Citadel. Will my past hurt my chances of getting a scholarship? If so how does this advance standing college program work and does the Martine rotc have the college program

As someone who graduated more than 10 years ago, my information is somewhat dated. But I can tell you that the unit was a very good one, though dominated by the Marines (there were more Marines who graduated yearly than Navy guys when I went through, and it was commanded by a Marine COL). They really went out of their way to help out guys get scholarships, if you performed. The big thing was what grades you got your first year there, if you got Dean's List (3.2) or above they went all out for you for a 3 year scholarship. For the Marines there was a higher bar for grades, about 3.5, and the PFT was a big factor too (Navy you just had to pass). I did the College Program route and they looked for good grades there too.

As for your past hurting your chances, I don't think people on this website will be able to tell you anything unless you cough up a little more info. I knew one person and have heard of others who have gone the NROTC route after leaving USNA. Just be up front with the guys there abotu what happened and they will give it to you straight. Just like Annapolis, honesty and integrity are paramount there and if you 'quibble' (deliberately hide the truth), you will get shafted hard.

There are a few other former knobs floating around the site here that graduated the last few years and maybe a cadet or two. They will be able to give you more recent, and relevant info.


New Member
The mistake I made was that I failed my summer school class of calculus 2 which was need to be passed to continue. Since then I have taken the class over an got a B. I heard there is a rule that if you fail a summer school class at the academy you are automatically dismissed. I also have on more question: Does the Marine ROTC care about tech majors just as much as navy rotc units do?


Super Moderator
The mistake I made was that I failed my summer school class of calculus 2 which was need to be passed to continue. Since then I have taken the class over an got a B. I heard there is a rule that if you fail a summer school class at the academy you are automatically dismissed. I also have on more question: Does the Marine ROTC care about tech majors just as much as navy rotc units do?

That does not sound like a disqualifying in getting a scholarship. So, did you go to the academy or not, from the above it is not clear.......:confused:


Super Moderator
yes i did

Talk to the Navy ROTC staff when you get there, tell tehm the whole story and let them know you are intrested in a scholarship. Get good grades and hopefully you will get a scholarship. Other than that, be a fly on the wall as a knob......;)


Super Moderator
At the Academy at least they pay for school and give you a steipend. I never understood why people go to the Citadel and pay to get abused.

Because some people don't have the grades and/or the motivation to go to one of the Academies........the former was my case.......:D


I'm not dead yet....
I think there's a recuring theme on this website when someone asks what are my chances if I have ___ for a GPA or ___ on the ASTB or ___ for an NSS. I know guys get nervous about this stuff but these are the only firm percentages I know of, in the Navy and life:

1-If you don't apply or try, etc. your chances are zero.

2- You don't have to have the best grades, or ASTB or PRT scores to get what you want. The higher the better, obviously, but not everyone is a Rhodes Scholar, who got a perfect score on the ASTB, and was also an Olympic decathlete.

3- To the best of my knowledge if you do apply to what you want one of two things will happen. The best: you will get what you want. The worst: you're told no. I don't think anyone has ever had a hand chopped because they applied for a scholarship or flight school slot and didn't get it.

4- Go with what you have and who you are. If you have to explain your situation, be honest, but don't take yourself out of the running for something you want because you think you might not get it.