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Top Gun Status.

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Registered User
Hey guys, I was watching the "Top Gun" documentry on discovery wings. Said that Navy is slowly doing away with the Top Gun training program. Is it true? The show seemed a little old so I am just wondering what's the current status of this Elite Program.

Edited by - wali on 04/05/2002 21:24:37

Edited by - wali on 04/05/2002 21:25:11


Registered User

How was the show? The reason I ask is that I couldn't get that channel due to the stupidity of my cable company. I was so set to see it and was p***ed off because I couldn't. I know that they will be showing it again later this month. I just wanted to know if it was good.


"Let's boogie!"



Registered User
Thanks Matt;
I just wanted to make sure if it was accurate. The show kind old, sort of. So what are the criterias for you to be accepted into Top Gun. You for example, I mean does it give you instructor status. I know you get lots of aerial combat experience. By the way Matt, are you interested in applying for Blue Angels one day. Most of the Hornet Drivers must be, right?
Thanks again Matt and take care.


Registered User
Thanks, once again, Matt;
I always knew it must have been competitive but did not know it was this competitive. I wish you the best if you are hoping to go to Top Gun. I alway wondered about this but what does VMFA, VMF, VFA or VF stand for.
Thanks Matt and have Great flying.

Edited by - wali on 04/07/2002 15:30:31


Registered User
Thanks for the information; Sorry if I ask too much. One last thing if you don't mind (The questions keep coming to me but not all at once). On average, how many flying hours do you guys (Hornet Drivers) get per month? When you are done with you sea tour, do you fly about the same hours on the land or does it change quite a bit?
Thanks again and Happy flying.
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