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This one time at TBS....


I can't take credit for it, but I thought I'd share:

Beats the Marinegouge down EP posted nearby.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff. It's nice as time passes and you start collecting a "history" in the service where you can tell other stories. At API, all people have are ROTC/Boat School/OCS/TBS stories, so you roam the halls hearing all the obnoxious "So this one time at (one of the above)"... I think we've all perpetrated at one (or many) points. If there's one motivation to make it to the fleet, it's to get some cool stories to replace the really gay ones about OCS/TBS etc.

Although, for a short time after, you'll have the same thing with "SERE" stories... sharing with other SERE-completers, of course. :)


Apprentice School Principal
At my winging each Service did a toast to the other Services. I'll never forget, we had a Coastie say; "To the Marines, may your careers by as long and successful as your TBS stories".
It brought the house down, except for the Marines who seem to have a lack of sense of humor when it comes to being a Marine.