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The NRA and all its thorns...


Internet killed the television star
It seems to me that that's the same kind of excuse people use to justify the moronic rantings of Michael Moore or Ann Coulter. I'm not trying to call you out at all but I just think that extremism for the sake of combatting extremism is just a cycle of gheyness that frankly gives me the urge to stab (Dear FBI..."stab" is a figure of speech here...don't take this as a threat against someone/something :D).

Which I agree with completely. I'm not a fan of the extremism on either side, but all I'm saying is sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.


Which I agree with completely. I'm not a fan of the extremism on either side, but all I'm saying is sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
I hold my nose when I listen to Ann Coulter, but I'd lose all hope if she wasn't out there.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
The NRA has never, nor will ever, receive a thin dime from me (short of whatever take they may get from gun show entry fees when I feel so inclined to go). My disdain for them in a few non-exclusive, bulleted points:
The NRA can get fucked in my opinion. The GOA or local organizations (TSRA, etc...) are far more rights-based and haven't been shown to roll over and die when their precious deer rifles aren't affected.

I cant help but agree with you here. Something about the NRA the issues they push, make me feel as though they have a hidden agenda. They rarely push the idea that the 2nd Amendment isnt about hunting its about freedom, nearly every flyer or PR publication I have seen shows a guy hunting with a dog, not a good ol' fashioned American gun nut who prays for the best and prepares for the worst.

Im with you on the GOA.

"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
I started reading the NRA publication. The following can be found in the first couple of pages:

Whether it’s evident or not, these are your fights, too. And NRA is the only guaranteed investment for Second Amendment survival,

In my view, this is the same sort of thing that the NAACP tells African-Americans, "Send us money because you NEED us. You cant win alone or in a group without us."


[FONT=&quot]Just some thoughts from a life NRA member ....[/FONT]

1. In politics -- and in this case, we're talking about politics as they relate to YOUR gun rights -- it's ALL ABOUT NUMBERS ... if you don't understand that simple fact, then you don't understand politics.

2. The NRA has numbers ... the multiple million membership ... and a lot of them vote. I wish ALL gun owners voted for preservation of their gun rights, but they don't.

3. GOA and CCRKBA and WAC (local/state) all play a part, to be sure -- especially on the state level -- but they just don't have the overall numbers to have a great impact on national concerns -- and that's ALL that sways politicians -- numbers of votes and their innate fear of not getting "enough" votes to get in/stay in power ...

4. In 1994, I used the good offices of the NRA and the WAC (local/state) to defeat a virulently anti-gun state representative in my home district. We were so effective in other neighboring races, that a "smear" campaign was launched against me personally, post-election, by a coterie of the incumbent democrat party losers. The NRA backed me and helped immeasurably. Without the NRA & ILA support and access to their NRA-member district phone data base, it would NOT have been possible to accomplish this feat and get the anti-gunners out of office.

5. The NRA, among other things, is a fund raising organization. I've worked for others, and they drive me crazy with their waste and inbred inefficiencies ... and the NRA drives me crazy with THEIRS as well ....

O.K. ... you don't LIKE everything about the NRA. Neither do I ..... but politics is all about the "possible"; especially in the day and divisive age.

Question: what have YOU done to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights??? How many of YOU have actively WORKED to defeat anti-gunners or WORKED to elect pro-2nd Amendment candidates?? I'm NOT talkin' about casting your single, solitary vote, as that's a given. If you don't vote, then you're a fool -- make that a damn fool.

So you don't like the NRA .... what are you gonna do about it?? Vote for Hussein Obama or Rodham-Clinton??? You might as well, for GOA gives the presumptive GOP candidate John McCain an "F-" grade for his 2004 and 2006 record on "
gun rights and political speech affecting Second Amendment activists" ... according to the GOA website.

So what's the score??? Do you keep bitching about the NRA???
Quit or don't join the NRA??? Vote for the hard-core gun banners in the democrat party instead ??? Or just take the ostrich's way and "sit this one out"???

A lot of you guys talk the talk .... but how many of you walk the walk???


Shut up woman... get on my horse.

So you don't like the NRA .... what are you gonna do about it?? Vote for Hussein Obama or Rodham-Clinton??? You might as well, for GOA gives the presumptive GOP candidate John McCain an "F-" grade for his 2004 and 2006 record on "
gun rights and political speech affecting Second Amendment activists" ... according to the GOA website.

So what's the score??? Do you keep bitching about the NRA???
Quit or don't join the NRA??? Vote for the hard-core gun banners in the democrat party instead ??? Or just take the ostrich's way and "sit this one out"???

You raise an interesting question. Assuming McCain takes the nomination I could not in good conscience vote for him for several reasons, not the least of which is gun control. But by that same token my feelings are the same for Hilary and Obama. So it seems gun owners very likely will face a catch 22 of sorts this year.


Back from the range
Assuming McCain takes the nomination I could not in good conscience vote for him for several reasons, not the least of which is gun control. But by that same token my feelings are the same for Hilary and Obama.

FWIW Senator McCain did join the good side in signing the Amicus Curaie opinion on the 2nd amendment case that's about to hit the Supreme Court. This is not spin by the news but him putting his signature on the line that he believes that the court should find that the 2nd amendment is an individual right and not one reserved for the states. For most of you this is the first time in your life that this right has been to the Supremes. It matters and if it goes poorly be assured that you will see your right to own guns without British style ownership gone.


I'm no huge fan of McCain but not voting or voting a protest vote is incredibly short sighted. He's the man now and whatever we can do to keep Obama or Hitlerly out of the White House is worth our effort. Rarely is a candidate perfect.

I am a member of the NRA but the amount of crap they mail me in a year, even after I told them to never mail me anything, is overwhelming.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of NRA mail, I just got a letter asking to pay my EPL (Extended Pay Life, $25/quarter until you hit the normal life member amount) in full, if possible, to help battle the Cintobama machine.

I'm sure any other EPL guys will be getting this soon.