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Shoulder Surgery?/Torn Labrum


New Member
Hope I posted this in the right place.

I am getting shoulder surgery to reapiar a torn labrum in my right shoulder. I am excpected to make a full recovery.
Will this make me ineligible for aviation?

Any other thougths or info is appreciated.


New Member
Labrum Surgery!/?

I am getting surgery to repair a torn labrum in my right shoulder.
I am excpected to make a full recovery.

Would my shoulder hold up for OCS and TBS?


New Member
As long as you can get a military doc to sign off on you, you're ok. tore mine, got a bankhart repair and am doing fine right now. Had to get and was granted a waiver automatically. This all happened at the academy though, so if your a civilian right now, it might be more difficult.


Well-Known Member
I had both mine done 5 or 6 years ago, therapy was a mutha but well worth it. Took quite a while for it to really get better but my age is certainly a factor I'm sure. Throwing a football or baseball is pretty much a thing of the past but that is about my only restrictions, great mobility now!


Registered User
As others have said, if you can do all required physically there should be no problems. I had repairs done for a torn cuff and muscle. Most painful friggin recovery I've ever done and took nearly 18 months for the pain to go away. Still feel it when the shoulder gets cold and I normally have to sleep with a t shirt on or a sweatshirt to keep it warm.
Try not to wince when you move your arm ....... tears don't look good on a man...<gg>