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selecting next week


Registered User
hey all jet pilots and students, just trying to get some ideas on what to select for, dont know nss yet so have no idea really, have last two flights tom. so just trying to find some info on jet training,



Registered User
Congrats on getting through primary. I would say first and foremost select what you want (evaluate your hopes and dreams) and don't game the system. When I selected, the STUCON guy said if you want jets put them down first then be sure to put down E2/C2 second to prove to CNATRA you want TACAIR (E2/C2 is considered TACAIR). I did not do that, I put down Helos because that was what I wanted to fly if I didn't get jets. That being said, another guy put E2/C2 second (he didn't want that) but that's what he got, talking to me later he wished he had put P3's down second. Don't put something down you don't want, I would however fill in every choice you have because you don't want them to pick for you (I have seen guys put down only jets and then they are at the mercy of CNATRA for selection if a jet slot is not available). If you are looking for advice on the jet community search some of the forum for people's opinions but I'll tell you what I think is important. For me it was a lifelong dream to be a Hornet pilot so I was putting that down regardless of what I heard. The negatives to my life as a single seater are as follows....1. I have very little free time, I have 3 collateral jobs in the squadron and I have to study for flights more intensely now than ever. Some days I work 8 hours or so. But usually 10 to 14 hours is the norm. Then there are the days I get there at 0730 and leave at
2300. 2. You will always be working on a qual trying to be a Subject Matter Expert on something, going to a class, lectures, etc. So studying and the stress of another hurdle certainly doesn't end once you leave the RAG. 3. Boat life, which a lot of guys go P3 or E6 to avoid. Now for the positives, I remember the day I got my soft wings, I had just flown off the JFK after initial CQ in a T-45. I don't think the smile has ever left my face. Flying the Hornet is awesome and I love being in the sky, every merge, every intercept, every roll-in, even every FCLP. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to serve in this capacity. So I think all of the negatives are truly outweighed by the positives. Good luck with your decision and selection. You will have a great time with whatever you pick.


AEDO livin’ the dream
Jake obviously knows what he's talking about--listen to him. I ranked everything out in my head and put down what I wanted in the order I wanted it in, and got my second choice, which was fine by me. In any case, realize that you are just voting on your future. Good luck and congrats on finishing.