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Reporting for API in 2 weeks any suggestions?

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Registered User
enjoy A pool its a good time. oh yea and find a hobby in addition going to the bars. fishing is great this time of year...the flounder should be here soon

Future Herc Driver

About to start Tac phase in the Herc.
Im reporting to the base on the 30th. I guess that is A-pool. I talked to the AF liason down there and he said as long as I passed the PRT I should class up within 3 weeks. Flounder fishing sounds great.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Welcome to P-cola! You'll be in A-pool until you can get all your administrative stuff done (dunno how the AF runs it) then you sit around in A-pool some more and wait to class up, or you might get a stash job or get volunteered for a medical study at NAMRL. In A-pool you're done by 9 every morning, it rocks.

If you've been keeping track of how they run things down here, the days of phone mustering are gone as of this week due to people being stupid and not mustering. Now everyone stashed or in A-pool has to report at 0730 every weekday in ranks outside of the Flight Management office, (you'll find it when you get down here). One suggestion. Don't miss muster. I know it sounds stupid but they're getting strict down here. Being even 30 seconds late results in a pink sheet and a PRB. This all just came down last Thursday. Haven't seen them drop the hammer yet; really don't want to.

I haven't had a chance to go fishing yet but the beaches are great. They just re-opened the golf course on base if you're into that. Check out the Naval Aviation Museum if you get a chance too, admission's free and the tours are done by a lot of WWII/Korea types who've been there, done that. And don't sell the bars short either. Seville Quarter is great. McGuire's brews their own beer and the stout is awesome. Haven't checked out the Florabama yet but I've heard it's a good time.

Future Herc Driver

About to start Tac phase in the Herc.
Sounds good. Im used to having to be in uniform at 7 every morning because of the job I have now so it shouldnt be a big deal. I cant wait to get down there and settled in. One other question. I talked to the lady at billeting and she told me they would probably have room for me on base. Is there any truth to this? I have been told by other folks that the base is full, so Im kind of confused. See you folks soon.


AV-8 Type
Wow! Do they change your diapers too!? I won't even ask if they hold your hand when you cross the street.


Well-Known Member
I dont know Future Herc Driver, i distinctly remember some useless comments from you in a previous post such as "seamen = semen?" and "What is Yut?" Thats classy.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Herc, I'm pretty sure you'll get a room at the Q, but you may not move into permanent quarters right away. They'll probably stash you in a transient room in the next building over for a few weeks until somebody leaves. Not a bad deal but they charge you 5 bucks a day for maid service in the temporary rooms. Also be sure to keep your stuff reasonably squared away b/c they do do room inspections on base for health & safety. Not too nazish but they're still there.

Future Herc Driver

About to start Tac phase in the Herc.
Thanks nittany. I was just wondering because I could stay at my aunts house who lives only 5 mintues from the base for free. That way I can still get BAH. I wasnt sure if they were going to make me stay in transient quarters if they were available. If it was my choice I think I would take the money.
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