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Question concerning flight contract


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm new to the board and have a question I hope someone can help me with. I'm currently in the process of putting together my application for OCS, and plan to attend the Jan. class. The problem is that my OSO screwed up my application and put ground instead of air. They say it can easily be fixed and that I can still get an air contract after I'm accepted. Does anyone know if contracting for ground immediately will affect my chances of getting an air agreement before the Janurary class? Being a pilot has been my dream, and I don't want to do anything to lessen my chances of making it. I've yet to sign my formal application, and would like some clarification if anyone can provide it. Also, I'm currently studying for the ASTB and haven't had a flight physical yet. Thanks in advance!

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
I'd get it fixed ASAP. That's why they call it a "contract". Recruiters are like Detailers...they have as much interest in your future as you have in theirs.

But that's just me...


Lobster's Pop
I agree 100% with the skipper (even though he was a Tomcat guy :icon_wink).

We all worked as a big team but when it comes to your career, you're in charge. Good Luck


New Member
Thanks guys. I felt a little strange about it to say the least. My only concern is that if I delay signing until all is corrected it will somehow influence my acceptance, which my oso alluded to in conversation. Not sure if he was being 100 % straight with me or if it was pressure to sign as quickly as possible. I realize that being accepted is an honor and I'm doing everything I can to get things completed quickly. Anyway... sorry to ramble and thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to hold out on signing until all is fixed.


Third times a charm
What my OSO has told me before is that if you get selected for OCS as a ground contract, they can roll you to an air contract before you commission. When I contracted, I got to list my choices for OCS slots, 1 through 3. 1 and 2 were PLC air, and just to make sure that I got selected, 3 was PLC ground. The way it is explained to me is that in the even that they don't have any more air slots, you can go as a ground and switch.


Living the dream
This sounds like the line "oh go to recruit training before you become an officer, it will help your chances." Nothing is a "quick" switch in the Marine Corps. I had a friend at TBS who was an air contract from the start and suddenly it changed to ground, he had to fight tooth and nail to get it switched back, now imagine trying to switch when you weren't even contracted for air to start with. My advice, take a long hard look at why your applying, and if you want to take the chance that you might not fly then go with it, but if you truly only want to fly, then don't sign a thing without it being what you want it to be. Now with that being said, as was presented above you won't always get what you want, but this is the start of a long path, not whether or not you get a certain coast of job after you have been in for a while. Just my thought.


Registered User
Dont stop hounding whoever you have to hound until you see in writing what you initially signed up for. Don't let them convinvce you that you can "easily" change over to an air contract once at OCS, TBS, Afghanistan, wherever.... it aint gonna happen. Once they got you, they got you.

Another quick note, when i reported in for flight school my sitting height initially DQ'd me out of the T-45. It was news to me b/c ive never had any anthro issues. I didn't seem right to me, and after a few months decided to ask about my measurements. A few higher-ups agreed with me that the measurement seemed bogus and helped me jump through hoops to get re-measured. Long story short, i got another anthro appointment and was found they measured me 2.5 inches too tall initially and falsly DQ'd me from tac air. I selected Jets last week....

Point is, if it smells fishy, don't sit there and expect someone else to fix it for you.