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Grad of OCS 187 Charlie Co. 3rd Plt.
Anyone know what the eye exam is like down in P'cola? It would suck to have the first physical miss something, get a SNA slot, only to get NPQ'd down there. Just trying to see if I can get as thorough as possible eye exam with my current doctor. Not that I would have an problem serving elsewhere in the military, it would just suck to go in there thinking 'aviator' and not even getting a chance to prove myself.


Registered User
do a search and you'll come up with numerous responses (this question has been asked by hundreds, including me


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I had this exact problem oct 02. I had 5 eye exams in the year preceding my OCS date. I was concerned because I failed the depth perception test at mepps and had to get a waiver from an eye doctor. All of the exams were "full exams" and none of them had me any higher than 20/30 in my left eye and 20/25 in my right. All of them said my depth perception was fine. Two of these exams were done by opthamologists, two by optometrists and the other one one was mepps. Mepps listed me as 20/20 left and 20/25 right. At Pcola I was recorded as 20/60 left and 20/40 right and depth perception good. The 20/60 NPQ'd me. The Navy uses different charts than most civillian doctors. The navy charts have 10 letters and the civillian charts normaly have 5 letters. Also, no less than 10/10 is passing for an aviator. A civillian doctor will normaly let you slide with 4/5 or maybe 3/5. I came back and had prk and I hope to resubmit within the next 2 weeks. If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone to the same doctors, but I would have stressed the Navy criteria and I believe that I would have been able to have surgery before I left. One more thing that is very important is that mepps doesn't check your refractive measurement. This cannot be over 1.50 even if you read the letters.


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meps checked my refractive measurement, it was the one in LA. anyone else have it checked at meps?
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