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Pending CEC Interview- talk to me!


New Member
Hi there,
I realize that a lot of the questions that come through this site are regarding pilot slots- heck, that's why I signed up a while back to get my hands on some of the materials posted. Life has changed course slightly and, while I am still interested in service of my country, I'm looking to get into the Civil Engineer Program.

I have an interview pending end of this week-ish and, while the recruiter I have been talking to has informed me that the things I will be asked about will be regarding what I know about the CEC, I'm having a hard time not knowing what sort of other things to expect.

A bit about me:
-Senior in an ABET accredited Ocean Engineering Program
-3.72/4.0 for the last two years (before that not so hot, but I have no problem making the GPA cutoff)
-In good shape, no legal issues
-Leadership experience in high school and some volunteer experience in college
-Motivated for this sort of program and service to my country

Anyone care to throw some questions at me I may see? Have specific personal questions about why I feel I can do this? I've been doing my research, and I like to be 100% prepared.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!