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NROTC 4-yr. Scholarship Question

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Registered User
Why am I hearing that some kids got an immediate scholarship when they have taken more than 1 AP class? I thought that CNet would not offer a scholarship to anyone who has taken more than 1 AP class. I read it several places. It makes since because the govt. doesn't want to issue scholarships for 4 yrs of tuition and books to those that already have a lot of college credits under their belt before they even start. Then why in the world do I keep hearing about these people that have either received an immediate scholarship, or they received one back in November or December with having all these college credits? Will someone please explain?


I can't answer the question, but let's put it this way. More than 1 AP class will not insure that you will graduate college earlier. I took AB Calc and AP Stat, and placed out of Calc I and Stat 100 for a total of 7 credits. I graduated college with 146 credits. As you can see, you'll need to take a lot of AP classes (and typically get a 4 or better) to put a dent into your college studies.


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When I went for the scholarship, I don't recall AP credits even being an issue. They never even asked me about them. Incidentally, I walked onto campus with 9 credits from AP and CNET and NROTC here didn't even bat an eye.


Helo Bubba
Let's think about this... 1) taking and passing AP classes makes your application look better (IE you challenged yourself in highschool). And it also increases your GPA and class standing (provided you do well and your school weights your GPA)

2) If you end up graduating college a semester early, it is not like the navy paid all in advance... they pay every semester. So if you finish early, Navy saves money.

3) I came in with 7 AP classes and a semester of calc at a junior college while in highschool, It still took me 4.5 yrs to graduate (no I did not fail any classes or retake any and I took 18 cr a semester).

My advice take as many as you can stand, it makes you look that much better.


I had always heard that AP classes were a good thing to have, for both NROTC and USNA. Even if you don't use the college credits, it at least shows them that you've been challenging yourself academically. I don't think the Navy would ever look down on someone who had pushed themselves academically. Or at least they didn't when I applied with a few AP classes to my name.


Registered User
Sorry about the AP question and thanks for straightening me out. I think what I read was that it's not offered to those that already have a year of college (makes since because there's a 2 & 3 yr available). I just misunderstood.


Registered User
What about CC clases. I am taking one over the summer and will be mixing them into my senior schedule, should I instead be taking AP classes. I'd prefer to take CC classes, but would that hurt my NROTC chances.


Registered User
I had a friend who had taken 6 AP classes by the time he came to the ROTC unit. I agree with BCH.
If you want to do engineering, I can't recomend AP creds enough. Right now, I'm regretting not taking AP CS...that class is gonna burn my eyeballs to a crisp.

Chem's usually another good one to knock off the list.


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I tried to AP out of chem, but I didn't get a 4 on the test, which isn't good enough for the Engineering department here. Doesn't matter to me anymore....I'm liberal arts. Having that college credit is great though, you can have lighter semesters than some of your cohorts in NROTC. For example, I'm taking about 5 classes a semester until graduation, some have to take 6....sometimes 7!

Personally, I think if you can't cut your cred load for engineering down to no more than 5 classes a semester(including nav.sci) you might as well drop engineering. It's just not worth the mental anguish you will suffer.

Chem and CS are just the classes you really really want to transfer out of...at least at my school. But I don't know if NROTC lets you fulfill the CS requirement with AP CS...if you can't, then you'll end up having to either retake CS100 or take a higher level one(mwahaha).
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