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nfo acceptance

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Registered User
what has everyone's gpa/major and astb scores been who have been accepted and denied as of late(post college, not rotc)? I just took the astb today, I feel i did VERY. VERY well on it. At the same time I feel like I have a lazy recruitment chief who does not want to waste his time dealing with me when he has his quota met by far. I'd like to know how other people are doing so I can gauge what i need to do/realisticaly take the test again or stay with my score. I have a 2.9 in sport mgmt(basically business yeah yeah i know i ****ed around in college)...at first i was told low 50 w/ straight 7's...then low to mid 50's w/ 7/8's... today I was attempted to be convinced i was wasting my time taking the extra flight portion as i needed low 60's w/ straight 8's...and i have the feeling this isnt right.

As i was TOLD all i could realistically get is supply...yay...even though I know the Navy can be much more selective these days, this sounds like crap. any comments? also what is the chance of getting a comission in one area and transfering to nfo at the ripe old current age on 25.5?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
You should be dealing with an officer recruiter, usually an LT or above on this stuff and not a CPO. God bless the Chiefs, but they just don't have the experience to really answer the questions you need answered.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Brett isn't living in the present. Many officer recruiters are Chiefs now and most do a fine job. There may not even be a LT recruiter in the office these days. It simply doesn't matter what the recruiter's rank is when it comes to the application submission. It also doesn't matter in terms of his fleet experience. Fact is, there are few aviators in the recruiting biz now. I'd venture to say a Chief from an aviation rate will give you better gouge on real world NAVAIR then a LT SWO. And when it comes to recruiting experience, rank doesn't matter there either. On to smashes concerns. Just because an indiviual recruiter has his goal met doesn't mean he stops recruiting. There is a command goal (Recruiting District) and the Navy wide mission goal. He will keep sending in quality applications as long as there is a single slot open in the nation. The key is "quality". I don't know all there is to know about you. Your scores do appear to be high. Your GPA and major is very likely inadequate in today's competitive environment and your age is a small liability also. Keep in mind I don't know how the rest of your app might look, it seems to be, on balance, barely competitive for NFO today. That said, the recruiter cannot simply refuse to submit a completed application package unless it is "field rejected". That is a technical process reserved for the guys that have a felony conviction and drug use history that can't take a hint and push an app when told they are not qualified. If you are not a field reject candidate then simply press on. Don't let him slide. Tell him you respect his opinion but you want to give it a shot anyway. Get all your stuff in to him ASAP, leave as little work for him as possible. When the app is ready he will send it in. Then you will see if both of you wasted your time or he will celebrate with you. Good luck.


is out to lunch.
I had an ASTB score of 72, if I remember correctly, and a 3.2 in engineering. Lots of extracurricular things like school clubs and fire department things. I was also rejected my first go around.

My recruiting office doesn't have an officer present, they had to import one to do my swearing in. My Chief was extremely knowledgable and went the extra mile to get my package in and make sure I made the cut.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I love it when a guy makes it on a second or even third attempt. The last medical recruiter in my office was a prior enlisted Corpsman who got picked up of MSC Officer. He applied five times for an MSC commission before he was selected! I am quick to remind guys to be realistic. The Navy can't know if you are the next Nimitz, O'Hare, or Cunningham. The Navy owes you nothing. But you gotta love determination.


Hummer NFO
Keep applying!! I was a theatre major with minimum ASTB scores but I applied every year for four years and finally picked it up. It can happen dude, you just gotta want it. When I got down here, I realized that it's hard work, not technical smarts that gets you through. I graduated second in my class. Not bad for a non-technical major with a 3.4...Trust me, just keep applying. Good luck!


Registered User
thanks for the heads up guys. as for resending my app if i dont make it the 1st time, thats the plan...when i mentioned that in the office after i took the test the cpo gave some little remark. gotta love it. I almost went to plc w/ the marines while I was in school still. There was an oso and a gunny(who knew his stuff and helped a good deal) its just disappointing when ya get a guy that really doenst seem to care.

another side question, the recruiter said job experience means something(made it sound to mean a lot)...anyone know how much this really weighs in at? I would think not much unless it was a job that was in some flight field. Especially in these days when decent jobs arent easy to come by for college grads.


Registered User
Keep applying...

I know I'm an old-timer, but I was turned-down for NFO twice before being accepted on the third try. Persistence is highly regarded by the Navy.

Good luck.

p.s. Same for grad school -- accepted conditionally on my third try. Graduated with a 3.83/4.0.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
If you are a college grad applying for OCS you are refered to as a "workforce applicant" in the biz. So, they do want to see employment history. It is all relative though. If you are not presently working and sponging off the parents, that is bad. Get a job. It doesn't have to be in your field. It helps if you have some real responsiblity, material or personel. If you have been a bar tender at the same place throughout college without any managment responsibilities and haven't gotten any other career oriented job since graduating, that will look bad. We are looking for self starters, motivated goal oriented problem solvers. Don't let them think you have come to the Navy just because you can't find anything else to do with your life.


Registered User
hmmm...any ideas on flight related jobs I should look into to bolster my appeal while I apply?
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