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Moving from API to Corpus Primary


New Member
Does anyone know what entitlements a single SNA gets when moving from API in Pensacola to Corpus Christi Primary? I've heard all sorts of things regarding PCS/HHG/Home of Record moves, etc and just wanted to clear it all up.



is clara ship
I don't really know, but about a month after I got here, $3300 was direct deposited to my acct, and then once I submitted my travel claims from my original move to Pcola, and then my move from there to here (NASCC) they paid out another $1300. Then they promptly billed me $700-ish, so I guess I made about $3900 for moving. Not sure what part of that was related to my original move to Pcola, and what was for the move to Corpus though.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
it all depends on who you know...

actually, most of that will be covered on your check in brief. Worry about getting here in one piece and it'll take care of itself. A lot of it is dependent on how long you were in pcola, how much stuff you moved yourself, and whether or not you got DLA advanced to you, or if you are going to get it at all.


livin' the dream
Have you had your move brief yet in Pcola? The young woman who gives that brief from Personal Property answered all of our questions and was able to hook us up with the max entitlements for our individual moves. She'll help you out!