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McDonald ET AL., v. City of Chicago SCOTUS ruling in favor of 2nd...Woo Hoo


Made His Bed, Is Now Lying In It
O.K. ... we get it ... and you're getting tiresome, if you want to know the truth. All of your sentences are rich w/ 'I' and 'my'.

Some of the "I" and "my" uses are proverbial and metaphorical, and do not refer to me specifically. Others are because my opinions are my own, whether I believe they apply to others or not.

You're a liberal who has never been mugged. As such, you don't 'like' guns much ... and yet -- *drum roll* -- you want to join the military. What do you want to be when you grow up and become a little soldier or sailor, Johnny -- a teacher of JHS Engrish (sic) in Japan???

False. I have been mugged. I do not like guns nor dislike guns. They are tools. They have uses, and uses I feel are allowed under the inherent rights that humans have. Have I not shown myself to be someone against unreasonable restrictions of arms? That was the whole point of my commentary in this thread! I agree with SCOTUS. What I personally choose to do with that right is my own business. It's not mandated Americans, military or otherwise, be gun enthusiasts. I have no particular love for circular saws, and I don't keep one of those in my house either.

As for your aspersions on my career, and the necessarily implicit aspersions on my students, they are immaterial, inconsiderate, and inappropriate. I'm not going to expound on necessities or difficulties of the teaching profession.

Personally, I think you're full of shit and clueless about guns, the 2nd Amendment, and the military. After reading all your posts on this subject, I just really wanted to tell you that. I'm constantly amazed at how much the clueless generation thinks it knows virtually everything about virtually anything and yet they know nothing about life & how it works.

At what point do I become an adult with the right to valid opinions? 30? 50? 80? When I'm dead?

When you do get some experience, get mugged and/or get religion about 'guns' and the right of self defense -- come back ... come back and tell us how much you know. [/B]

I'm a devout Roman Catholic, and I fail to see what my religion has to do with my view of guns as tools, and how being religious should lead one to be a gun enthusiast.


Seafort said:
I'm a devout Roman Catholic, and I fail to see what my religion has to do with my view of guns as tools, and how being religious should lead one to be a gun enthusiast. .
I weep for the future of Naval Aviation ...

I almost cracked a rib at your ^ comment -- and that might even be biblical ... not certain, however. Mebbe it was the jawbone of an ass. Anyway ... I digress.

This is just too good to let go, and you make my point for me: you're clueless about the subject of guns, the 2nd, and the discussion than emanates from it. Apparently, you're naive to the ways of the world, as well. My comment had NOTHING to do w/ your 'Catholic religion'; you know -- that religion that has bricks & mortar and an address .... *sigh* .... kids.

By the way ... I used to be an Episcopalian --- WHOOPS !!! That's got nothing to do with this discussion, either.
....At what point do I become an adult with the right to valid opinions? 30? 50? 80? When I'm dead?...
I don't know -- it varies from individual to individual ... in my own case, I've been around more than 6 decades -- and yet I'm 'immature' in many ways. I like to have a 'good time'.

In your case?? Perhaps, for purposes of this august forum -- it will be when you've done something other than go to school, pull stuff off the internet, 'read(ing) naval fiction', 'study(ing) for the ASTB (BTW, we never had to study for our equivalent :)) and wax philosophical about stuff of which you know nothing. When you've DONE SOMETHING that you can put together w/ your 'book learnin' and make it count for you and for others that you pass your experience(s) along to ... ?? Mebbe then ... ???

Until then ... you're certainly entitled to your opinion. As you know (at least you should), everyone's got one, just like assholes. It's just that your opinion doesn't count until you've gained some gravitas and stood the test of time. Perhaps when you're out of your 20's ???

Or you could tell us all about teaching JHS in Japan?? I know nothing about that ...

Even though you're in Japan -- HAPPY 4th of JULY !!! No guns, however ...


Apprentice School Principal
Now if you want to talk Philosphy of Religion or English Literature (in those subjects, I am a published scholar), then I can rattle citations off the top of my head when making points... :D

Who refers to himself as a published scholar???

I'm at the Naval War College with some of the most respected Naval theorists in the world and never once have they ever referred to themselves as "published scholars".

Of course if you count Penthouse letters, then I guess I'm published as well!


Made His Bed, Is Now Lying In It
The smiley face, it did nothing apparently.

Ah, the internet. It does wonders for the ego.

Hopefully we can all agree on this: Happy 4th!