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Lateral Transfer

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Registered User
I am considering a lateral transfer to aviation. I have a couple of questions. Is the minimum vision requirement 20/40 correctable to 20/20? If my vision is the minimum, will the Navy waive my vision not being 20/20, and then provide me with the necessary prk surgery?

Also, what do I need to transfer from being a qualified SWO besides a letter of request, my medical forms and physical exam results, ASTB results, and a letter of reccomendation from my CO?
Is there anything else I must include?

If I was dismissed from my pilot designator at OCS because of a past medical problem that has now been resolved, and I have a letter from the physician who then dismissed me saying that I could recieve a waiver if I produced proof that my problem was resolved, do I need to say that I was disqualified from a flight program as they ask it on the application for lateral transfer? (I now have the proof that my problem has been resolved) I was never actually in a flight program, but simply had to pick a new designator at OCS. So I am guessing that I can say this is the first time that I am up for actual flight training?




You should go here https://buperscd.technology.navy.mil/bup_updt/upd_CD/BUPERS/MILPERS/MilpersmanPDF_TOC.htm and download MILPERSMAN 1542 and read it. It will tell you how to apply for a lateral transfer to aviation.

This web site http://www.nomi.med.navy.mil/Nami/WaiverGuideTopics/exams.htm#sna will tell you all the medical requirements to pass the SNA medical exam. You can apply for PRK but they will most likely just give you glasses for now. My personal thought is that they will not pay for you to have PRK until you get winged but I have no idea if that is true or not. I know that once you are winged you can talk to the flight surgeon and get PRK.

I would say that if you went to OCS as a pilot or NFO candidate and got NPQed you HAVE been accepted for previous flight training. But for purposes of your application this is obviously your first request for a lateral transfer. Call the aviation detailer and ask just to be on the safe side. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Can't give much help on the waiver question, but my fiance got his lat transfer from SWO approved in April. The Navy paid for his PRK, but I'm not sure how that worked. The option is out there. You might have to apply for one of the aviation ascession programs or the PRK study. It's six months from the surgery before you can be medically cleared. Check the BUPERS website, but I'm pretty sure he said a letter from your CO is not required. (Not that it doesn't help...he had one, but in case your CO doesn't want the Surface Navy to lose you) Also, make sure your service record (the one kept at BUPERS) is up to date.

Good Luck


Respect the WEZ
I'm new to this site, but I have what might be some useful gouge for your question. I am currently a Navy Medical Service Corps Officer, but have applied twice for redes/lateral X-fer. First, according to my XO who is a flight surgeon and past head of Naval Aerospace Medicine, 20/40 is sufficient, but your record will say you have to fly with your glasses. 20/30 gets you in with no paperwork. Anything less than 20/40 would require a waiver, but good luck, given the level of competition right now. Next, MILPERSMAN 1542 is not the right doc to use. It IS a current instruction, but that board no longer meets to slect aviator candidates, according to the Aviation Community Manager. People wanting redes to pilot/NFO go through the PERS 801G board governed by MILPERSMAN 1212-010. It will give you everything you need to put your package together. You will need a full flight physical. Tell the AV MED pukes you need an SNA physical, they should know what that means. Finally, with respect to your previous condition, it will come up on your flight physical. There is a question on one of the medical forms on the long physical that asks if you've ever been medically DQ'd from a flight program. You know how they feel about lying. I'd talk to the flight surgeon and ask them what you need to do. In my case, I have retained metal hardware, but NAMI gave me the OK because I had proper documentation (X-ray, letter from an orthopedic surgeon, etc.) saying I could perform the duties needed to fly. OBTW: one of my buddies from training is a physical therapist, also MSC, and he was selected by the May 03 board, so it can happen. Good luck.
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