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JUL 20 Board


Active Member
I found out that I got selected as SNA for the 9 September OCS today.

However, my recruiter told me that I had already been through the board and selected pending medical clearance. Whether my documentation went back to the board for a final check is unknown.

Awesome! Congrats. Your recruiter deserves some credit for calling it too. That must be a great feeling to have the recruiter say you are going to get good news and deliver. Go take him out for some beer (if thats allowed).

Be safe, and have some fun.


Registered User

Have you received your orders or sworn in yet? Apparently, I'm board recommended (meaning they have final selected me - on Monday of last week), but it needs to be signed off on by someone in the upper echelon of CNRC - maybe the head of the aviation board?! My processor says that I'm 95% done, just awaiting the signature and transmission of orders back to the NRD.. Let me know if you know some more of the process you went through in the last few days - I'm sweating it!!

PU Grad

MAC flight user
Any rumors? or maybe just rumors of rumors?

Heck at this point I'd be up for someone just making something up.


Registered User
I got my orders in the mail yesterday.

I'm scheduled to swear in tomorrow... you may have to wait a few days/weeks to get everyone to sign off on your packet. That seems to be what happened to me. Just hope you aren't sent to OCS a week after you're informed.

PU Grad

MAC flight user

What we have been saying is that we had heard that the pro-rec board did not actually meet on the 20th. And we are trying to check on whether it has or has not met.


Registered User
Ok, and what I'm saying is that you would hear back shortly whenever it does meet.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


Registered User
PUGrad, I think what STLEngineer is trying to say is that the Pro-Rec decision shouldn't take buyt a few days.. If you haven't heard from your recruiter or gotten a letter from CNRC with a PRO-REC YES or NO then I doubt they'd met. Judging from my processor's statements, I'd say that the aviation board met on July 24th, otherwise, they wouldn't have "board recommended" me.. Now I'm just waiting for the guys to sign off for final select (I guess I've already been final selected, according to the recruiter/processor, just waiting on the "official" signature package to be transmitted so I can get my orders and get sworn in).. I know that you're tired of hearing this, but patience is the greatest virtue to be taken from this experience! Trust me, I've waited 13 months now!