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Is this somthing I need to mention?? (Police Record)

Ric Hard

Registered User
On Christmas night in 2004 my girlfriend and I were sleeping when our condo filled with smoke. It turned out there was a fire in the condo behind ours and the smoke had started to fill ours. The fire department came and asked to get into our attic acces to see if the fire had spread. The attic access was in my roomates room. When the fireman came out he said that we could not go back inside. My roomate had a bunch of marijuana grow type equiptment as well as sprouting seeds in his closet. The police came, talked to me, took all the stuff and let us go back in the house that night. Thought nothing of it after that. No charges were ever filed and I have not heard of anything until lately. My girlfriend, who is a CNA (certified nurses assistant) said she recieved a call that the nurses association had recently heard about this incident. They had both of our names on a report or somthing. They said her nurses license may be revoked. My question is this. Even though no charges were ever filed does this count as a police record. I've never done anything bad in my life with exception of a few traffic tickets and am terrified that this may ruin my aviation career before it starts. I'm a little embarresseed to let my recruiter know about this as well. Here are some other factors...
1. I knew my roommate had this stuff in his room. I've had 4 roomates in 2 1/2 years and its tough to survive on one income. Somtimes you take what you can get.
2. Does marijuana in contrast to any other hard drug have a different view by the Navy, or is a drug a drug in their eyes?
3. Am I just an idiot?
Any help or advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I'm not a bad guy and would make an excellent Naval officer, but I'm scared this may have ruined it for me.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Well, if it's on record somewhere, even though there were no charges filed, I would simply disclose it at the appropriate time during the course of your clearance investigation/commissioning paperwork. Just explain the facts and you should have no problems.



Remove before flight
I had a buddy who had claimed prior drug use on his app. The worst that happened to him is when he was going for his security clearance he had to provide character references that were then questioned by the DOD just to make sure he didn't have a drug problem. Long story short, he is still in the USMC and he got his security clearance. Its better for it to come out now and let the recruiter know so they can start interviewing people if they need to then have it come up some where down the road.


500+ Posts
The recruiters know what has to be reported and what doesn't, and they always prefer not to if they can. I believe that even if you smoked it daily, you could get into the military a year after your last usage. If you try to hide something, they'll just dig harder to find dirt.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
I am reminded of that scene in the movie without a paddle.

I would say be honest. Its not like you were charged with anything but if you try to avoid it and they find out, it may look like you were trying to hide something.


Ric Hard said:
2. Does marijuana in contrast to any other hard drug have a different view by the Navy, or is a drug a drug in their eyes?

Yeah, the Navy views pot as the one acceptable drug in your past, and that's smoking it. Basically, I would think your roommate having been in possession isn't a big deal, like others have said, be up front about it. Now, if you recreationally hit the crack pipe, that's a whole different story.

Couldn't help it:

This is what the beginning looked like when I tried to use the quote function:
Ric Hard said:
On Christmas night