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Injuries that could keep me from getting a pilot slot

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Registered User
Hey all, I just broke my upper arm and I plan on going to Navy OCS after I graduate and I was wondering if anybody knows if an injury like this, where there was no need for surgery, and there might be a slight deformity in the bone but I'll have full movement and full use, could hinder my chances of getting selected for SNA. thanks for any input.



Registered User
As long as you pass the examination at MEPS you'll be ok, their the one's that qualify you physically or not, thats their job, The board shouldn't care because thats not their job.


Since you will have full movement, I can't see why it would disqualify you, but I'm not a flight doc. Save copies of all your paperwork from your doctor and make sure you note the injury on the questionaire for your flight physical. If the docs have a question about it, they'll ask to see your paperwork.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I had multiple compound fractures in my right arm and I had no problems. Assuming everything is properly healed, you shouldn't either.



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
The info provided above re. your injury is on target. I just wanted to give you a heads up on a more fatal problem. You likely waited too long to get serious about the Navy. I see you are a senior at ERAU. It is very very difficult to get an OCS slot for a senior or recent graduate. It is highly unlikely you could get selected for a FY06 slot (OCS class dates from JUL05-JUN06) Don't wait any longer. Go see a recruiter TODAY! Get the latest, something may open up breifly and you will get lucky. I am just giving you a heads up to lessen the blow if the recruiter tells you no chance. For the rest of you wannabes out there I will say it again. Do not wait until your senior year!! It is very very difficult to get almost any job in the Navy today, especially pilot, NFO and SWO. The Navy can not be your last choice of employer. By time you give up on other options the Navy option will have sailed over the horizon. Good luck haze.
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