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Hypothetical ? about meds at OCS


New Member
? about meds at OCS

I've struggled with ITBS (self diagnosed...I know, I know, get it diagnosed professionaly) over the past 4 months. Tried RICE, xtraining, stretching, proper shoes, strength training etc. with little effect.

Had sinus surgery 12/19/07 which led to me being put on Prednisone (anti-inflamatory steroid) for a month by the surgeon. Finished the prescription about a month ago in conjunction with a vacation to Europe for two weeks where I wasn't running. Resumed running 4mi/day 3x/wk and I noticed that my knee pain had gone away completely. Researched the internet and found that Prednisone is prescribed for arthritis/overuse knee injuries as well.

However, I'm getting the feeling that its on its way back as I can "feel" my knee when stretching/running.

I may be going to OCS 198 (reporting 5/30/08), and am thinking of trying to get a refill on the Prednisone to take with me to OCS in case it really does return. Will the Docs at OCS allow this? I know prescribed meds, depending on what they are for, are generally allowed. But I'm not sure if this one is allowed. Also, its not reported on my flight physical anywhere as I'm yet to be prescribed Prednisone to alleviate knee pain. Would that cause an issue? I don't want to show up and the Docs say, "why isn't this reported on your physical?" Would they NPQ me on the spot?

What are the chances of going to OCS without it and requesting it from the Docs there? Do they prescribe meds to Candidates?

Any suggestions/recomendations/answers are greatly appreciated. I realize I may be jumping the gun as I haven't even been accepted yet, but I'm a worry wort:(.


is good to go
A lot of threads of been discussed regarding the issue of knee problems. Truth is a lot of us on here run and have experienced the normal wear and tear our legs take from running. Its normal...What saved my ass was the Patella band! It alleviates extra stress on my knee and literally worked miracles. Two weeks prior to shipping out to JRs. I was unable to walk up a set of stairs. IT WAS THAT BAD! Take a week break from running and do not over stretch your leg muscles. That is the worst thing you can do. Light stretching around the knee area will prevent injuries. I am not a doctor, but that is what I can share from passed experience. Good to go?
P.S. try going to OCS without having to get anything signed off by NAVY docs. From what I remember it just created more stress and more waiting around!


New Member
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I've read just about every thread on here about knee issues, including yours and have learned a lot. I've got an ITBS knee brace but it didn't do much for fixing the problem. I'm definately going to keep trying to rehab it. I guess I'm looking at a worst case scenario where the ITBS rears its ugly head at OCS and how I could handle that situation via bringing a prescribed med or obtaining one while I'm there.


Really old guy
mc282000, yea I know, you have heard it all. Hear it again, you must take care of yourself. Get this thing diagnosed properly.

You said it best here: "I don't want to show up and the Docs say, "why isn't this reported on your physical?" Yea, if it isn't properly documented, I am certain any meds you are taken will be taken away. More importantly, it is possible that your knee pain is caused by something entirely different. Do it the right way.

"What are the chances of going to OCS without it and requesting it from the Docs there?" Well, as you know, to do so would require an examination. If you get this exam done earlier, and certain meds are needed, you have just made any docs you see while at OCS happier because it is less stuff they have to do.

"Would they NPQ me on the spot?" I don't know. But, I do know that the less reason they have to cast the evil eye towards you, as in bringing either un prescribed meds to OCS or showing up with an un disclosed injury, the better off you will be.


New Member
Definately wasn't trying to sound like a know-it-all. Sorry if it came off that way. Anyways, thanks for the advice/answers Feddoc, you came through as always. Looks like I'll be seeing my Doc if the pain returns.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd go to a doc - it may not be ITBS, it could be something else. For what it's worth, I'm about 90% sure that ITBS wouldn't NPQ you - as I have suffered from it in the past. If RICE, stretching, and Aleve doesn't make the pain go away when your run, then I would suspect it's something else. If it's documented and prescribed - you can take the meds. If it's not, you can't.