@Pianistwithwings; I'm a current Naval Flight Surgeon (DO) via HPSP...@Rugger, I greatly appreciate the info, and it more than answers all of my questions I didn’t know to ask.
I'm not sure if you are completely set on becoming a physician vs wanting to become a Flight Surgeon and stay in the Military... if your desire is the latter, also look into PA - Physician Assistant instead of MD/DO route.
If timing is a concern due to your age or whatever and becoming an physician isn't your biggest priority, Navy now allows PAs to become aeromedically designated (APA - Medical Service Corps Officer with Wings) and can function essentially the same as Naval Flight Surgeon (MD/DOs) with one exception of not able to participate in FNAEB/FFPB.
Unlike Physicain career path, you don't need resdiency training (3+ years post medical school) to be certified in a specialty to practice and your premedical pre-req for medical school application should mostly cover requirements for PA school... I'm not sure if HPSP will cover PA School but I believe HSCP will.
Just trying to expand your option for those looking to build quicker medical career especially if wanting to become a Flight Doc/APA. Also, since it seems like you are already aeronautically designated (NA/NFO), you can skip the flying portion of NAMI/Flight Surgeon Course and just attend the Aeromedical Part of training (about 2 months or so) to become a flight surgeon/APA with a possibility of applying for Aeromedical Dual-Designation Program and can concurrently function as NA/NFO while serving as a FS/APA.
Either case, best of luck!