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Freshman Applicant for PLC


New Member
Ever since I started reading this forum about the PLC program and it's guarantee, it has gotten me really excited. All I can think about is studying for the ASTB and getting good grades to make a competitive application. I started printing out ASTB "gouge" that I'll be working on at school during downtimes.

I am currently going to attend a 4-year college next year and am going to major in Mathematics. Do you think this would be an appropriate major, or would Aeronautical Engineering suiting? I am able to major in Aeronautical Engineering, and minor in Mathematics, but not vice versa.

The four main degrees I was considering (in order) were
1) Mathematics
2) Aeronautical Engineering
3) Mechanical Engineering
4) Economics

or do majors not really mean anything for PLC, and they are just for post-military career? I read somewhere on this site that your major is worth something like 10%, GPA 40%, recs 10%...etc.. something like that. I forget which program it was, so maybe it was not PLC.

Also, does PLC not take your High School GPA? From the "stats+scores" sticky, everybody who mentions their stats has a college GPA, not a HS one. I was also told that PLC does not use your HS GPA.

Maybe this is just for people who have completed a year of college? Or does PLC just not take your HS GPA? If that is so, then what GPA do they take if you're a freshman applicant? None? Mainly test scores and medical?

If they do take your HS GPA, would 2.9-3.1 be competitive? If they do take HS GPA, will they also look at classes taken during HS?

I have taken:

5 years of science
Conceptual Physics

5 years of math
Algebra I
Algebra II
Honors Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus

4 Years of english
Freshman English
Sophomore English
Junior English
Advanced Composition/Literature

3 years of foreign language
German I
German II
German III

4 years of social science
Global Studies
World History
U.S History

and some other stuff like Art, and PE, and some other mandatory classes required to graduate my HS

Been meaning to call my OSO again, but I was asleep all day due to a sinus infection. I sneezed out blood. It was gross. Now it is 1:30AM and I can't sleep and it's been bugging me to have an answer to this question, and I would be able to receive an answer from the OSO until I can call him tomorrow at lunch, during school.

Thank you :)

Semper Jump Jet

Ninja smoke...POOF.

As far as PLC is concerned you sound motivated. That's good. Now relax. You're GPA from High School will only matter for getting into a college, so get in, get good grades, work out and stay in shape, study, drink a few beers when the time is right.

If you're interested in PLC you can major in Underwater Basket Weaving if you like, it won't matter. Just ask Harrier Dude.

As has been discussed several times your major should be in something you will enjoy, you'll do better and get more out of it. I know of an equal number of pilots with tech degrees and liberal arts degrees. Just get one.

Also, you didn't sneeze blood, and it's not a sinus infection. You've never been sick in your life, or even stubbed a toe. You feel fine. Now go PT.

I don't know why you are still reading this and not doing push-ups. PUSH. :D


Well-Known Member
^^What he said.

I graduated from High School with a 1.96 GPA, tanking just about every class I took (I had to go to summer school twice to graduate). I started college majoring in Electrical Engineering because I thought it would look good. Tanked that. Enlisted, then got picked up for the Naval Academy and decided to major in something I liked. You know when I used my Computer Science degree? When I got out, it enabled me to start working as a Software Engineer. Didn't mean squat in the fleet. I had a buddy that had a degree in Journalism.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Keep your nose clean, get good grades, harass as many girls as possible while saying within the letter of the law, run, do some pull-ups and have fun.

war eagle

Registered User
i can tell you this... don't do aerospace/aeronautical engineering because you think it will help you later. you'll hate it if it's not what you really want to be doing. and your grades might suffer cause your heart and motivation won't be into it... sounds cheesy but trust me. i'm starting the last semester of my 5th year of my aero degree and it's been rough.

i know plenty of aviators (AF, USMC, and Navy) whose degrees are poli sci, english, criminology, economics....etc. all you need is good grades that come with a degree.

i'm not trying to scare you or discourage you but i'm just saying that you should study what interests you and what you will enjoy, not what you think will impress someone down the road... good luck.


Registered User
Casey, I have to strongly agree with what everyone else is saying. If it makes you feel any better, I got into the PLC program with an economics/sociology major. I don't think that it really affected my package at all, although I'm sure a more technical degree might have reflected a little better. Like everyone said though, do what you're really interested in. I had a friend who was in engineering school and did horribly because the only reason he was there is because he thought it would help him in the future with patent law...thing is, he can't get into the law school of his choice because of his decision to major in engineering. His GPA has since gone way up when he got into history, which is what he really loved. So worry more about what you like and know will do well in because the GPA will matter more than the major. Good Luck!


500 ft. from said obstacle
^^ I went from Aerospace Engineering to History. One had no social life, the other one did :) Make sure to enjoy what you choose to study and, most importantly, enjoy the college experience.


Harrier Dude

Living the dream

As far as PLC is concerned you sound motivated. That's good. Now relax. You're GPA from High School will only matter for getting into a college, so get in, get good grades, work out and stay in shape, study, drink a few beers when the time is right.

If you're interested in PLC you can major in Underwater Basket Weaving if you like, it won't matter. Just ask Harrier Dude.

As has been discussed several times your major should be in something you will enjoy, you'll do better and get more out of it. I know of an equal number of pilots with tech degrees and liberal arts degrees. Just get one.

Also, you didn't sneeze blood, and it's not a sinus infection. You've never been sick in your life, or even stubbed a toe. You feel fine. Now go PT.

I don't know why you are still reading this and not doing push-ups. PUSH. :D

Heyyyyyyyy!!! I resemble that remark. Not everybody can be a sociology major and still pull off a 2.5 GPA from a state school. They give out a lot less D+'s than they do D's, you know.

I don't think that it really affected my package at all,....

I was able to use my "package" a whole lot more than my buddies with a real major due to more free time. I didn't waste my time doing stuff like "studying", etc. I invested it in the pursuit of women of questionable moral charactor and lots of beer.

In all seriousness, in hindsight I wish I had a more marketable bachelors degree with a better GPA. That's why I eventually got an MBA. The same goes for my other priorities I had at the time. I wish I'd been more responsible. That's part of growing up.

Major in whatever you want to depending on how you feel about the following questions:

1) What am I interested in?
2) What else could I see myself eventually doing aside from being a military pilot? We all have to get out eventually and get a real job.
3) What impacts to my career will the degree I want have? For instance, if you want to be a test pilot/astronaut, you need an engineering degree or a hard science (physics, chemistry, etc. For some reason sociology doesn't count). Aside from that, your major matters exactly ZIP in the military. Your GPA, on the other hand will matter as to whether you are accepted. After that, it pretty much matters ZIP as well in the military.

For now, get good grades, stay out of trouble, and keep your options open. BSHDFIU.

Good luck!


New Member
Thank you all for the replies.

Mathematics and Engineering is something that I want to do.

Or underwater basket weaving :)


I actually might change it to Physics, though. I don't know. All I know is I like computers, and physical science, and applied mathematics.

mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering is all I can think of that fits those descriptions.


Another Non-qual SWO Ensign
Sounds like you have it narrowed down as far as most freshmen ever will. Try what you think you might like and don't hesitate to change if its turning out to not be as great as you expected. Best way to do that is take a wide variety of classes in your first semester or two; don't get tunnel vision on a particular major. I lucked out and loved my first pick, my brother wasn't so lucky and had to switch a couple times but now found something he can enjoy studying for the full four years.

You'll hear a lot of crap about enjoying the "college experience". Eyes on the prize. Tech degrees like math, science, and engineering are particularly valuable, if you have the will and ability to get one but throw it away for booze and women you're a fool.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
Mathematics and Engineering is something that I want to do.

I actually might change it to Physics, though. I don't know. All I know is I like computers, and physical science, and applied mathematics.

mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering is all I can think of that fits those descriptions.

You don't have to have it all figured out this instant. Most of those majors have very similar first and second years of study anyway. I switched from Aerospace Engineering to Electrical, to Industrial all in two years. It was a waste of time since my classes never changed significantly. Then I went sociology. You'll figure it out as you go along.


Well-Known Member
I'm a PLC applicant and am a first-year college student with Sophomore status. This is about the only way I've heard of "Freshmen" applying. I did a program in High School and cumulated a years worth of college credits.

My HS GPA was 2.67 and I failed like five or six classes. They haven't even asked about my HS GPA and are just going off of college. Hell, I barely even got into a State college.

My recruiter has told me that my selection is a gimme but I don't know if he's sugar coating it.

If you're curious:
3.2 GPA
7/7/7 ASTB (They don't care about OAR for PLC)
253 PFT

I had quite a few extra-curriculars last semester and some through high school. No notable letters of recommendation as far the writers' statuses.

To echo what everyone had said: study hard and get in good shape. Release your stress on the weeekends. ;)

Oh yeah, my major is Comp Sci.