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Forum Update

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The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin

I had to upgrade the forum software from ver 3.0.3 to 3.0.5 due to a security loophole in the software that could have allowed a malicious user to damage the forum.

Due to the short fuzed nature of this release, I have not had the time to move some of the modifications that I had made over to the new code. So, the most noticable is the front page, which until I get the code back in, is history.

If you are interested in why I rushed to update, and what changes were made from ver 3.0.3 to 3.0.5, visit the following link:




webmaster said:
FYI,... I had to upgrade ...... due to a security loophole ..... that could have allowed a malicious user to damage the forum.

O.K. Got it, now it all makes sense. Does this mean that 75% of the people on this forum (obviously, not including me) can no longer post here ??? Or, alternatively, ...... "what percentage of people on this forum will no longer be able to .... " ???


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
ok, am I retarded...wait let me re-phrase that, am I missing something or has the old opening page with the ads gone away? Whenever I log on, it goes right to the forums page....


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Upgraded to 3.0.6, hopefully they (makers of the forum software) won't send any more updates out, I just got 3 in quick succession. There were a couple of known security issues, that could have been exploited, allowing someone to do damage to the website, et al. So, I quickly upgraded to the new software, in doing so, it "broke" the majority of the mods I have in place, suchs as the front page to the forum.

I am in kind of a "wait and see" mode right now, to make sure that no other updates come out, before I go through the time consuming process of adding back in the modifications/hacks to the forum, such as the front page, etc...

A4, everyone can still post, I only locked down the forum during my upgrade process.


AV-8 Type
I feel that the performance has decreased DRAMATICALLY! Whenever I click on a link to a topic, it hangs up and I keep having to hit the refresh button until it loads. Just logging onto the site is hit or miss. I have to keep hitting STOP and Refresh to get it to load. I usually give it 15 or 20 seconds before I Stop and Refresh. The day before yesterday I left it to see if it would connect and after 15 minutes it still hadn't connected. It's not my computer because all the other Forums I visit are working fine.

Even posting is hit or miss. I've posted 3 times in the last 3 days and none of them posted, it just hung up (similar to when your computer freezes except I'm able to close the window or log onto another website using the same window).


Bottom of the barrel
Had been terrible, then yesterday it cleared up and worked great!

This morning ... back to having to refresh and reload over and over ...
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