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Chances for OCS with average ASTB score


Registered User
I am applying for Aviator,NFO, and Intel and am working on a BA in Econ & Management. I currently have a 3.62, but my OAR was a 48. What are my chances for being selected for these prgrams for 08



Well, I sat down and crunched the numbers. Your chances are right around 26%. Of course this does not take into account this year's, or subsequent year's, leap second. It also does not take into account higher tide levels resulting from global warming or 2007's World Series winner (to far away to predict, if you want to know 2006's winner PM me)
Just for the sake of it,....a close friend here just got picked up STA-21 for NFO with that exact score, but it was his 3rd or 4th attempt at it. Not sure of your chances to OCS, but of course, it seams like most selection cycles have more slots than people applying. Just make sure that you're fully quallified in all other areas and that score might not matter. Of course you could always bring your score up too :spin_125:


Steve1001 said:
Just for the sake of it,....a close friend here just got picked up STA-21 for NFO with that exact score, but it was his 3rd or 4th attempt at it.

See? I am right on the mark. 26% x 4 = 104%.


just my 2 cents

if you think you can do better - retake the test. If you think you did as well as your going to - run with the scores you have.

I have a 74 on the ASTB, and wasn't picked up the first 2 times (pending on 3rd application). I was told I would have been selected for NFO, but couldn't make it through a class before I was 32 (would have already needed an active duty waver).
Anyway, that reinforces the idea of not putting too much value in the any single part of the application. I say apply and do your best on the rest of the application (pay attention to detail on every question/section).