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B747 Crash at Bogota Last Year


Ron "Banty" Marron
Was doing my morning chores around the house yesterday, causally listening to a local FM station’s “Morning Magazine” non-political talk show…they frequently interview local (FL Keys) personalities such as Key West City Manager Jim Scholl, former CO of NAS Boca Chica…Capt. Steve Holmes, current CO of the base…the CO of USCG Sector Key West…et al.

The phrase “B747 Capt” caught my attention, so I listened up. Heard an eight minute chat with Capt Bryant Beebe, the Capt of the Kalitta Air 747 which crashed at Bogota, Colombia a year ago July 7. I really did not catch his name from the radio, but realizing this guy must be a “local” here in the Keys, thought I’d give him a call.

Googled up “B747 Crash At Bogota”…got his name, and read several accounts of the accident. Went into the phone book, got his address and phone number, and gave him a call. (He lives on the next Key west of us…about twenty five miles.)

Had a very rewarding chat with him…although he is not former military, we had much in common…lots of familiar names got thrown around, common interests in boating/fishing, airline experiences, mutual friends and acquaintances. Guess we talked for about fifty minutes, swapped phone numbers and email addies…lunch together is in the immediate future.

Very interesting read regarding the accident: ~300’ AGL…8000'+ pressure alt…just after rotate…night…heavy load of freight…three engines out within ~3 minutes…enough to give you nightmares!! From all the comments I read on the I’net, this was one top notch crew (had eight aboard)…crewmen all injured, some seriously…unfortunately, three fatalities on the ground.

Banty Out