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Art Work


I posted this in a different forum, but thought I'd try my luck here for any suggestions:

Very random question for the crowd. . .

Does anyone have or know anyone that has any experience selling art work or portraits? I gave one of my landscape portraits (photography) to a colleague in the industry and he hung it in his office. He sent me a note asking me for a price list given that he's had some expressed interest. I DEFINITELY wasn't expecting this. Any ideas how I should approach it??

<---- this is actually one of them. . .what you can see of it



Registered User
I'd ask local galleries about getting a show... put together a bunch of work and let them take a look at it. They'll give you an opening if they like it and I think they kind of act as sales people for it, keeping X% of the sale price, you get the rest... not enitrely sure how it works.

I have a buddy up at Corcoran school of art in DC... I'll ask him next time I talk to him, which may be awhile. Ask around local galleries in the mean time.