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Age Waiver: Dollar Short and a Day Late?


New Member
I find myself growing more and more "board" with civilian life and have discovered that I miss the challenge and life in the Navy. I am a prior Navy enlisted (4 years active as an AO3). I now have a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering and work for a NASA contractor.

Long story short I'm 35 and will be 36 in two months. I briefly spoke to an Officer recruiter that pretty much said age waivers for prior service would get me to 35 for 'most' officer positions, not 36 so it is too late... He quickly mentioned it might be possible to go into the reserves and then transfer to active duty but was not sure if it can be done and then refereed me to another recruiter that I haven't heard from yet.

I have few questions:

1. Is there anyway to get around the age 35 limit? I know the usual answer will probably be 'no,' however sometimes there is a 'but' buried deep somewhere in the rules and with how busy the recruiters usually are they may not want to go down that path.

2. If it isn't possible to get around the age (which I suspect I won't be able to), is getting a commission in the reserves and transferring to active duty down the road plausible? How hard is it?

3. I've also heard rumors that Navy reserve personnel are being called up from time to time to support Army / Marines ground forces overseas. Is this true? I would join the Navy because I want to be on a ship... not ship out to the desert in the Mid-East ;)

Ideally I would like to be a NFO, but more realistically an AMDO. I noticed that the USNR website doesn't mention AMDO. My passion in the Navy was and still is Aviation and Aircraft Carriers.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!