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Age Factor


New Member
Is age a significant factor in selection of aviators? I would really like to become a marine aviator and I have completed the whole process but the PLC program I was going through got shut down before the process could be completed. I am graduating in May of 2013 and I am trying to go OCC but my father is anti-military and wants me to apply for a civilian job first and then decide in a year if I still want to do it. I know I want it but I don't want to loose my fathers respect. I have been talking to him about it since the PLC program got shut down and he is adamant about me trying a civilian job first. Will my chances be significantly decreased if I apply in 1-2 years? (I am 21 turning 22 in June 2013) Thank you

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Is age a significant factor in selection of aviators? ...but my father is anti-military...and he is adamant about me trying a civilian job first. Will my chances be significantly decreased if I apply in 1-2 years? (I am 21 turning 22 in June 2013) Thank you
Others with better knowledge will reply to the specifics of your question…but your age is not yet, I don't think…a factor. My opinion? Go for what you want NOW!

You clearly have a larger issue…your father's apparently strongly-held view that military service is not what he wants for you. Tough situation. But…as I think you already know…it's your life to live. You only get to go around the sun so many times…make your trips extraordinary, however YOU define that.

I assume your father lives his life as he wanted…you should do the same.

Probably too personal to discuss, but I'll ask…what's your father's issue with the military?


Cereal Killer
Is age a significant factor in selection of aviators? I would really like to become a marine aviator and I have completed the whole process but the PLC program I was going through got shut down before the process could be completed. I am graduating in May of 2013 and I am trying to go OCC but my father is anti-military and wants me to apply for a civilian job first and then decide in a year if I still want to do it. I know I want it but I don't want to loose my fathers respect. I have been talking to him about it since the PLC program got shut down and he is adamant about me trying a civilian job first. Will my chances be significantly decreased if I apply in 1-2 years? (I am 21 turning 22 in June 2013) Thank you

OCC is highly competitive, most people don't get in on their first shot. Don't wait. Have the sit down with dad to discuss that you are living your life, not his, and that you are very grateful for the ability to choose your own path that his hard work has given you. Tell him that this is what you want. If the situation were opposite would it make sense to "demand" that you do an enlistment before getting a civilian job? Hell no.


New Member
Thank you for your response I think I should just do it because his opinion of the military probably wont change but my family and friends have all been telling me to wait and apply later but I would hate to hurt my chances with age. My father is from Belgium and several of his relatives were killed in WW2 so I think he was raised with an anti-war/military perspective. I guess he also had a bad experience in the military because It used to be mandatory in Belgium. Should I mention this conundrum to my OSO? He is a nice guy and I would like a marine perspective but I don't want to bother him with non-professional issues like this.


New Member
OCC is highly competitive, most people don't get in on their first shot. Don't wait. Have the sit down with dad to discuss that you are living your life, not his, and that you are very grateful for the ability to choose your own path that his hard work has given you. Tell him that this is what you want. If the situation were opposite would it make sense to "demand" that you do an enlistment before getting a civilian job? Hell no.
thank you everyone I need to do this. Ill have a talk with him I guess if I'm lucky enough to get selected


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
My father is from Belgium and several of his relatives were killed in WW2 so I think he was raised with an anti-war/military perspective. I guess he also had a bad experience in the military because It used to be mandatory in Belgium.
This "Parental Opposition" for military service (for whatever reason), has been brought up, sliced & diced many time on our AW site. The obvious consensus has been... once you consider yourself an adult (18/vote, 18-21 drink), this life decision is yours & yours alone. If you cannot abide in disappointing your parents (or being disrespected by them???:(), then another path is in your future. Be fully aware that you may well regret your decision for a lifetime, if you opt to please your family, it's YOUR call, no one here can make it for you!:rolleyes:


Puddle Jumper
I graduated in 5 years, due to starting in a professional degree and switching, tried civilian jobs for most of 2 years after, then showed up to Navy OCS and turned 25 four weeks in. Now I have my wings, a few months before turning 27. I think age is not at all your restriction.

I'm fortunate to have a supportive family, like a lot of us do, but I can imagine how not having that would create difficulty in going through the whole process. It's great to live your own life, but there are plenty of "what am I doing this for?" moments ahead, and just knowing that someone is hoping for your success, rather than being unsure of their support, will be a tremendous motivator, and possibly the lifeline that gets you through those times.

I'm sure you've done this, but keeping a clear perspective about what this career can do for you, what you expect from it and from yourself, and of the difference between your father's concept of "the military" and what your life as an aviator would really be like, can at least give you some personal clarity on your decision, and possibly help gain support.



Well-Known Member
Is age a significant factor in selection of aviators? I would really like to become a marine aviator and I have completed the whole process but the PLC program I was going through got shut down before the process could be completed. I am graduating in May of 2013 and I am trying to go OCC but my father is anti-military and wants me to apply for a civilian job first and then decide in a year if I still want to do it. I know I want it but I don't want to loose my fathers respect. I have been talking to him about it since the PLC program got shut down and he is adamant about me trying a civilian job first. Will my chances be significantly decreased if I apply in 1-2 years? (I am 21 turning 22 in June 2013) Thank you

I would talk to your OSO on the current timeline for applying to leaving, you very well will have to get a civilian job for a while, or if you have to apply multiple times you would need one as well.

I hope your father is just expressing his opinion, if he is flat out telling you not to do it then he probably doesn't realize the wedge and long term damage he could do in terms of the relationship between you two.

FYI, many years ago when I joined my mom was not pleased, a few years later she couldn't stop telling people everything I was doing and how well I was doing.


Is age a significant factor in selection of aviators? I would really like to become a marine aviator and I have completed the whole process but the PLC program I was going through got shut down before the process could be completed. I am graduating in May of 2013 and I am trying to go OCC but my father is anti-military and wants me to apply for a civilian job first and then decide in a year if I still want to do it. I know I want it but I don't want to loose my fathers respect. I have been talking to him about it since the PLC program got shut down and he is adamant about me trying a civilian job first. Will my chances be significantly decreased if I apply in 1-2 years? (I am 21 turning 22 in June 2013) Thank you

Apply now, it may take over a year to get approved and go to OCC... thats if you get picked up the first time. Keep applying. You can get a civilian job while you wait and then use military leave if you have to keep you position for upto 5 years while you're gone.