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A few questions about becoming an officer


Registered User
I just graduated from UGA with a degree in psychology and a minor in biology. I was five classes away from the biology degree, as well as a degree in microbiology. I wrestled for three years while at UGA. My questions are as follows:

1. My overall GPA was a 3.1 and my major GPA was a 3.6. I saw on these forums that making a 'C' can disqualify you, and I've made a few of those in my biology classes. Would my grades disqualify me that much?

2. I tore some cartilage in my knee and had surgery two years ago. It's fine now, but I wear a small knee sleeve when I run because I don't want to risk tearing it again. Will wearing this during my Running test disqualify me from becoming an officer?

Thanks for all of your time.

edit: I don't know if it makes any difference, but I was an R.A. in the dorms here for two years. I would think that, along with the fact that I grew up around Naval Subbase Kings Bay and was in NJROTC for three years, would help my case and make me seem like a more attractive candidate. I'll be taking the ASTB test sometime this week, hopefully.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Bagelfuz said:
I just graduated from UGA with a degree in psychology and a minor in biology. I was five classes away from the biology degree, as well as a degree in microbiology. I wrestled for three years while at UGA. My questions are as follows:

1. My overall GPA was a 3.1 and my major GPA was a 3.6. I saw on these forums that making a 'C' can disqualify you, and I've made a few of those in my biology classes. Would my grades disqualify me that much?

2. I tore some cartilage in my knee and had surgery two years ago. It's fine now, but I wear a small knee sleeve when I run because I don't want to risk tearing it again. Will wearing this during my Running test disqualify me from becoming an officer?

Thanks for all of your time.

edit: I don't know if it makes any difference, but I was an R.A. in the dorms here for two years. I would think that, along with the fact that I grew up around Naval Subbase Kings Bay and was in NJROTC for three years, would help my case and make me seem like a more attractive candidate. I'll be taking the ASTB test sometime this week, hopefully.

The referance to not making a "C" applies specificly to the NUPOC program for Sophomores and Juniors applying to the nuke program. To a lesser extent it applies to BDCP in all programs. It will not apply to you or anyone else who is not applying for a collegiate program. Your GPA is competitive.

I really don't know if your recruiter will allow you to run with the knee sock. I expect he will not. And unless things have changed at OCS ( actually alot has changed recently but I doubt this would) you will not be allowed to use the sock at OCS. So you best start testing out the strenght of your knee. Expect to have an ortho consult from your surgeon about the knee injury.

Your experience as an RA, casual knowledge of the Navy and even as a NJROTC cadet will help if you can effectively communcate in a short statement to the board what you learned or how it benefited you.
Good Luck.


I Can Has Leadership!

First, welcome to the boards and g'luck on the ASTB.

Now... to tackle you q's...

1. The C's won't automatically DQ you. A 3.1 and a 3.6 are pretty decent grades.

2. The knee sleeve won't DQ you either. There are plenty of people in the military, in aviation and probably on this board that have had surgery on their knees and other joints. In fact, I wore a knee sleeve on almost every PRT/PFT i took up until this past August.

As far as your knee goes, as long as its stable (which it sounds like it is), you should be good to go. You could possibly need a waiver, but they'll determine that when you start your medical stuff.

On the PRT... I used a knee sleeve on the PFT for the USMC Option NROTC scholarship... but that was like 6 almost 7 years ago.


Registered User
So, I just took the ASTB. I didn't study, I was stressed out from driving two hours to my recruiter and getting a traffic ticket on the way, and I left my lunch on the kitchen countertop at home.

Off to a great start.

This test KICKED MY ASS. It's been three years since I've had physics and I couldn't find the aviation terminology anywhere online (perhaps it would've been a good idea to ask here for links). I was stressed the whole time after the initial math section. I lost track of time and time ran out on me with three questions left unanswered. Pardon my complaining; I do hold myself and no one else accountable. I've made my bed, and now I'm sleeping in it.

I got fours on the four sections, and a 50 overall (I forget what the acronym was that I got a 50 on). My recruiter told me that's not too horrible, and 35-40 is generally a passing grade. He told me my score is competitive; and I couldn't be happier. So, since you all don't know me I was hoping for an honest evaluation of my score. Is there a possibility I can get in, even though I know I bombed this thing?


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Bagelfuz said:
So, I just took the ASTB. I didn't study, I was stressed out from driving two hours to my recruiter and getting a traffic ticket on the way, and I left my lunch on the kitchen countertop at home.

Off to a great start.

This test KICKED MY ASS. It's been three years since I've had physics and I couldn't find the aviation terminology anywhere online (perhaps it would've been a good idea to ask here for links). I was stressed the whole time after the initial math section. I lost track of time and time ran out on me with three questions left unanswered. Pardon my complaining; I do hold myself and no one else accountable. I've made my bed, and now I'm sleeping in it.

I got fours on the four sections, and a 50 overall (I forget what the acronym was that I got a 50 on). My recruiter told me that's not too horrible, and 35-40 is generally a passing grade. He told me my score is competitive; and I couldn't be happier. So, since you all don't know me I was hoping for an honest evaluation of my score. Is there a possibility I can get in, even though I know I bombed this thing?

The 50 (that is OAR) is not so bad. 4s on the aviation portions aren't going to hack it for a pilot or NFO application though. Depending on what the rest of your application looks like and the present needs of the Navy, you should be looking for something like 5-6 on the general/acadmeic stuff, 7-9 on the aviation stuff with an OAR around 50 or better. Your recruiter is not blowing smoke up your butt. Your numbers are qualifing, just not very competitive for aviation. Most guys are selected with better score. Still, it depends on what else you bring to the table. Whole man concept and all. Good Luck


Really old guy
Bagelfuz said:
I just graduated from UGA with a degree in psychology and a minor in biology. I was five classes away from the biology degree, as well as a degree in microbiology. I wrestled for three years while at UGA. My questions are as follows:

1. My overall GPA was a 3.1 and my major GPA was a 3.6. I saw on these forums that making a 'C' can disqualify you, and I've made a few of those in my biology classes. Would my grades disqualify me that much?

2. I tore some cartilage in my knee and had surgery two years ago. It's fine now, but I wear a small knee sleeve when I run because I don't want to risk tearing it again. Will wearing this during my Running test disqualify me from becoming an officer?

Thanks for all of your time.

edit: I don't know if it makes any difference, but I was an R.A. in the dorms here for two years. I would think that, along with the fact that I grew up around Naval Subbase Kings Bay and was in NJROTC for three years, would help my case and make me seem like a more attractive candidate. I'll be taking the ASTB test sometime this week, hopefully.

Did a doc make you wear the sock...or is it your own idea? If the only reason you wear it is because you don't want to risk tearing it again, you might want to reconsider. I think it much better to strengthen the knee than to wear artificial support which may, in the long run, weaken it.