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2/C Cruise Dates

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Registered User
Can anyone give me an idea of what dates they like to schedule 2/c cruises for. I am trying to plan for a summer job and want to know if there are specific dates (like CORTRAMID) or if they just schedule for whenever and I might have a cruise running into late August or something like that.


Supply Officer
There are 'phases' but rarely do cruises really line up with them. Add in the fact that things in the military can change with little or no notice will make it incredibly hard to get a job. My 2/c cruise was changed up until the day I left - and so was my return date. By the end of it, I wound up having been on my boat for 2 months. Even if you get some dates - don't count on them being the dates you are actually gone.

Hope you find a VERY flexible employer...


Registered User
I went first phase last summer - it went from 26 May to 18 June. They sent us home early on 16 June


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Unfortunately, you can only use the dates of the Phases as a very basic guidline as to when you may be gone. If you plan on going on a sub for cruise, plan on the dates changing multiple times. For example, my cruise changed phases a few times, I had orders for 3 different boats because of the scheduling conflicts. Surface may be a little more reliable with dates, and of course CORTRAMID dates are exact, no worries there.
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