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1/C Aviation Cruise to NAS Lemoore

raptor10 said:
Nuff' Said
I'm Conveniently Missing...

The two guys who were with the Bullets did a couple weeks with us on the Lincoln. Winnie and...Mortimer. Poor guys had callsigns assigned to 'em before they even arrived. Now THAT was a fun ready room.

Taildragger said:
To any of you mids out there who went to Lemoore last summer, what did they do about your NATOPS quals? Did they make you have any altitude restrictions on the hops you got to take? Did they make you get a dynamic ejection seat qual? Etc, etc. I just got done with Flight Physiology and they didn't let me do jack down there.

No worries. I didn't cruise out of Lemoore (NASNI w/ HS-2), but if you are proactive, polite and persistent you'll get all the seat quals you need once you get to your location. No ynamics needed. I walked away from physiology last year worried too, but no need. We were on the Lincoln for our hops and just went down to sit in the different jets/seats for each different craft prior to our flights.

They go over the basics and the "touch this when/if I say"/"don't ever touch that"s of the whole process.

Just be patient but persistent and remember to have fun...some Mids tend to loose focus of the cruise and get bogged down with the drudgery of down time. GO ASK QUESTIONS OF ANY/EVERYONE and you'll have plenty to do. Plus, you'll be the Mid everyone gets to know and wants to hang out with when the work day is done...just don't be the ANNOYING Mid.



We had some RIO instructors who put the car of their sister squadron's CO on blocks and took the wheels off. It was in Oceana, can't remember the squadrons.


is clara ship
dawson said:

Who did you say was coming to 14 (the mighty Tophatters who were also represented in the feature film "King Kong")?

a mid from my unit....its a she


Auburn Aviation Hopeful
Pistol! good to see you're giving advice to my boy Taildragger. As for the pranks on the squadrons, our MTO at VFA-113 (Stingers) gave us strict orders to prank every squadron on the base, especially VFA-22 (Afterall, YCBAR right?) and VFA-115. We even had to repaint the anchor at the O'club in the middle of the night.

Although this may seem stupid, having to prank the squadrons ended up letting us bond with the pilots and senior officers in the squadrons. Just walking into another squadron's ready room to think up a prank allowed us to see how different the squadron's atmosphere can be. It also made for a more "involved" O'club experience.. we all got thrown into the pool.

A lot of officers might think we were being too cocky, but we were quick to establish that we weren't cowering middies. That alone landed us a converstation with one of the CAGs, and his invitation to Tail Hook. LOL, he even made the JO's buy us beer and bring it out us.

As far as which squadron is "better" for sandbagging, both are awesome. I got the opportunity to ride with both. They both have their own ways of doing things. 125 actually gave us spare gear to put in a locker with our names on it, and made sure it fit properly as apposed to just handing us some JG's gear out of his/her locker. (i liked that better cus it felt ****ty using someone else's gear in 122. i know a guy puked up in somebody's mask)

If you're going to Lemoore, you're going to have fun!!

and taildragger, if you puke, i will make fun of you when you get back.


Auburn Aviation Hopeful
gatordev said:
That's a lot of gheyitude to overcome.

Nah. We know our place. We just had a lot of fun out there, and are very proud to have had the opportunity to even sit in an F/A-18. You gotta remember, it may be the only chance we ever get, so why not live it up while we have the chance!

and for the record, we know that we're nowhere NEAR putting on wings yet. We're middies.. the lowest of the low.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
BadBobJr. said:
We're middies.. the lowest of the low.
Until you get to flight school (or ship as a SWO). Then you drop a few notches and get to be your IP's (or DH's) b!tch.