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Europe under extreme duress


Well-Known Member
Site Admin

Question: Why was this a word in the 1800's?

It's amusing to see the Google analytics of its use approaching 2019. I'm sure there's also a word for being impaled by a pike on a fence.


Super Moderator

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I think he was expecting to get some bigger types to come to his side as he got closer. Then he realized it wasn’t happening and went into deal making mode.
Not the actual big types, the Gerasimovs and such. They hate Prigozhin and their survival is tied to Putin’s…corruption in modern Russia is a feature, not a bug. Putin purposely selects and promotes people who know they’ll go down without his protection and patronage. Basically his method of rule is to make sure those with the means to take him down don’t have the motive, and those with the motive don’t have the means.

I think he *was* counting on a lot of relatively smaller and ambitious fish - your Lt Cols and such - coming over to his side. Prigozhin has been flogging this “the leadership has betrayed you” line for months now. Perhaps he was counting on riding into Red Square surrounded by cheering regular Army sergeants and Muscovites, and more importantly, streaming that shit live on every media and social media platform out there, imagining that with such a huge display of popular support, Vova would not be able to touch him, even if he didn’t publicly accede to his demands.


Well-Known Member
I think he *was* counting on a lot of relatively smaller and ambitious fish - your Lt Cols and such - coming over to his side. Prigozhin has been flogging this “the leadership has betrayed you” line for months now.


Super Moderator

Let's remember Prigozhin has no military background whatsoever and his first 'career' after getting out of prison after 10 years was a street hot dog vendor. He got in early with Putin before he left St Petersburg to become Prime Minister, and was able to leverage that into where he is now.

So we aren't talking about a military genius or someone who had some sort of master plan, more like a common criminal he was not thinking far beyond the next score.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Holy shit. WSJ is reporting that the original plan was a Wagner kill/capture operation of Gerasimov and Shoigu during a site visit, and stuff only kicked off after that plan got leaked to Russian intelligence 2 days before execution.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Holy shit. WSJ is reporting that the original plan was a Wagner kill/capture operation of Gerasimov and Shoigu during a site visit, and stuff only kicked off after that plan got leaked to Russian intelligence 2 days before execution.
Yeek. If that is in fact the case, then goes even more so for @Flash point.

Oddly enough, the neo-Nazi hot dog man turned out not to be the military mastermind he presented himself to be.


Well-Known Member
Not the actual big types, the Gerasimovs and such. They hate Prigozhin and their survival is tied to Putin’s…corruption in modern Russia is a feature, not a bug. Putin purposely selects and promotes people who know they’ll go down without his protection and patronage. Basically his method of rule is to make sure those with the means to take him down don’t have the motive, and those with the motive don’t have the means.

I think he *was* counting on a lot of relatively smaller and ambitious fish - your Lt Cols and such - coming over to his side. Prigozhin has been flogging this “the leadership has betrayed you” line for months now. Perhaps he was counting on riding into Red Square surrounded by cheering regular Army sergeants and Muscovites, and more importantly, streaming that shit live on every media and social media platform out there, imagining that with such a huge display of popular support, Vova would not be able to touch him, even if he didn’t publicly accede to his demands.
What evidence so convinces you that Prig's ultimate goal was taking Putin's place? That was never his stated goal from the get go, in fact he said the opposite from the beginning of the rebellion.
Let's remember Prigozhin has no military background whatsoever and his first 'career' after getting out of prison after 10 years was a street hot dog vendor. He got in early with Putin before he left St Petersburg to become Prime Minister, and was able to leverage that into where he is now.

So we aren't talking about a military genius or someone who had some sort of master plan, more like a common criminal he was not thinking far beyond the next score.
So he went from criminal and hot dog vendor to founder of Wagner (who has been militarily more effective than the MoD) and many other important businesses/groups in Russia, rising to the top of Russian society, and this is evidence to you that he is an idiot?

So many assumptions and confidently spoken wild ass guesses here...


Registered User
Let's remember Prigozhin has no military background whatsoever and his first 'career' after getting out of prison after 10 years was a street hot dog vendor. He got in early with Putin before he left St Petersburg to become Prime Minister, and was able to leverage that into where he is now.

So we aren't talking about a military genius or someone who had some sort of master plan, more like a common criminal he was not thinking far beyond the next score.
Just seems to me a man in his position, and having founded a successful company like Wagner, has to be smarter than that.


is clara ship
Just seems to me a man in his position, and having founded a successful company like Wagner, has to be smarter than that.

I’d guess that in the globally irrelevant microcosm that is the soviet russian political system, he isn’t an idiot. He’s survived long enough to prove that. But even smart people have dumb days.