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Road to 350: What Does the US Navy Do Anyway?


Super Moderator
It seems now you are getting the point.

Not the one you think.

@Flash doesn't believe precedents can lead to follow on courses of action justified by the original precedent and likely leading to an unintended and/or unwelcome consequence.

God forbid we use what we have to save Americans and then get some knickers in a twist because 'My Precious'.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Not the one you think.

God forbid we use what we have to save Americans and then get some knickers in a twist because 'My Precious'.
It’s the one I think…exactly.


Cereal Killer
Not the one you think.

God forbid we use what we have to save Americans and then get some knickers in a twist because 'My Precious'.

I don't think that's the debate. I think it's more of a, "Why wasn't the Marine Corps available?" when this is what the MEU advertises as one of their big things that they do. Why didn't the Navy have the boats to support? Isn't that what the Navy does? Why are we in a position where we had to divert other assets and play the stratego game on the map while the organization that is suppose to do this has been forced to the sideline?

Of course we'll drop pretty much anything and everything and send whoever we have to in order to go get Americans out. That's not the debate.

Where is the failure in our "break glass in case of emergency, 911 force in readiness, we're most ready when the national is least ready" force that we had to send the next option- some of which were already tasked to do other things?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Well. Our mission and the folks we support certainly changed for that period of time. We can't prove a negative, but who knows what fleeting opportunity that we train for in detail and regularly with our supported unit we missed because they/we had to pick up and do someone else's job.
Yeah… That’s what I thought. At least you’re consistent. ?


Well-Known Member
The Americans that were evacuated from Sudan are safe and sound, and recovered without any casualties resulting. In the end that is all that matters, almost anything else is absolutely pointless.
A MEU should have been in the vicinity, other than a lack of grey ships. They have NEO as a core mission, get certified to do it prior to getting haze grey and underway. If they had been there, they'd have led the job. Called in other assets too, but led the job. Zero doubt.

I'll wait to see an after action review (which I will likely never see) before saying successful execution meant things went hunky-dory, or maybe there were some close-run things that we got lucky on?


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
God forbid we use what we have to save Americans and then get some knickers in a twist because 'My Precious'.
Ahhh, what? My statement was based on at least a couple dozen of consistent posts of yours regarding a variety of subjects over many years on AW. Had nothing to do with the subject at hand except that it was motivated by a post of yours on the subject.


Registered User
This is bordering on ridiculous. Even if there were sufficient lift, whose to say it was within any sort of distance to support. They probably would have been high north or Baltic, and those that did the work would still have done the work.

At the end of the day, our most elite forces to our least ready forces have the job to protect our citizens. And it certainly doesn’t matter more (SOF or GPF) who is in that flag draped coffin. Quit bickering over who did it and reading in too much into a comment meant for the budget types.

IMHO, if USMC wants to pick a fight over number of L class, they have completely missed the point. USN can’t maintain what it has, so what makes you think that having more ships is the answer?