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NROTC/Freshman Yr.

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Registered User
Just exactly how tough is it freshman year? I'm in fairly decent shape but what else can you guys tell me to be prepared for besides the physical aspect? How tough are the naval classes? In general, if you could just tell me what to expect during a typical week I'd appreciate it. I know each unit is different, but probably all very similar.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
The biggest hurdle that first year students face is the adjustment to college life with ROTC. Most students come from a High School that requires very little study/HW to get the A, so when they show up to college they don't think they have to study to get the grades they want. This is the WRONG attitude to have. Most universities reccommend that students study about 2 hours/1 hour of classroom time. So if you are taking 15 credits, you should be studying, reading and doing HW for about 30 hours per week.
Some people will have to study more and some people will have to study less.

As far as ROTC requirements, our student average around 10-15 hours per week of ROTC stuff (PT, Lab/Drill, clubs, etc). Units vary from one campus to another. You best bet is to talk about which unit you are going to and ask specific questions: When is LAB/Drill, When is PT, how long, etc. Good luck and don't forget to have fun.


Helo Bubba
As far as the Naval Science classes. They were by far the easiest GPA padding classes I took at college. Do not sweat them at all.


Freshman year Naval Science classes were a joke. Just make sure you show up for everything on time. Also, don't go crazy and get busted for alchohol/drugs, you're going to be held to a higher standard than the other college freshmen you hang out with. Guilt by association happens alot. Have fun but just be careful.
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A-Pool Junkie
Yeah, all of the NS classes were a blessing, even ship's engineering wasn't too bad. Those will help with your GPA, the only thing is, at least at Vanderbilt, hardly any of them count for credit.


Registered User
the week's really what you make of it. you'll have your weekly drill which is usually, if not always boring. other than that you go to classes, the NROTC classes ive had so far have been a breeze...it might just be the instuctors at my school though. your main goal should be to get the best grades as possible...be selective with what classes you decide to take first semister too...sometimes it takes some people more time than they think to adjust to the whole college thing than others. PT isnt anything demanding; if you're in decent shape you'll be fine. other than that its been a great time so far, everyone is chill...no yelling and screaming or super straining.


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
Freshman year NAVSC is really easy if you pay minimal attention to it. Your other classes will probably be much harder. I had to do almost no work in HS to get by with pretty decent grades (ea6bflyr knows what he's talking about) but it definetly hurt me during my first semester.

Also - if you need it, ask for help before your grades start to slip. Your advisors have a ton of resources at their disposal. Be honest with them from the start so you don't have to explain how you got a D in Chemistry.

PT at my unit is at 0530, which doesn't exactly mesh with the "normal" college student's schedule. Make sure you buy a good alarm clock... splurge for the one that has the battery backup. Find a buddy in your dorm and knock on each others doors or call each other before you leave. Being late will ruin your whole day.

You said you're in decent shape, make sure you do well on the PFA. Remedial PT is not something you'll want to deal with first semester... or ever for that matter.

Lab for us is Thursday afternoons. I usually find it fairly interesting and we've had some great guest speakers... but every once in awhile its a struggle to stay awake. Falling asleep in lab is going to get you special attention that you don't want.

Drill for us depends on whether or not you decide to buy into the sales pitch for the drill team. If that's your thing, you'll spend a lot of time doing it. If not, you'll practice drill for a few hours on the weekends right before the drill competition. If you aren't on the drill team, its not a big commitment at all, maybe 6 hours a semester spread over 3 or 4 weeks.

We also have to be involved in unit activities (IM sports, unit newspaper, aviation club, etc) but those are usually pretty light schedule wise and are a lot of fun so you don't think about how much time they take up. Don't try to sign up for everything though, you'll need more time to study than you think.

Someone already mentioned the drinking/drugs thing. Just avoid the issue altogether. You will be tested for drugs and almost certainly be kicked out if you pop positive. There is pretty much no tolerance for underage drinking at our unit and I hear its the same at most schools, so if you do it make sure you don't get caught.

Oh and even if its not drinking/drug related, go out of your way to avoid getting arrested. They have no sense of humor about these kinds of things even if you hear stories about all the crazy stuff that happened "back in the day".

All and all to survive in ROTC you have to take responsibility for yourself and find a good balance between work and fun.

Good luck.
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Whateva! I do what I want!
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ET Mike-

You're at Vanderbilt! I'm going to be a 4/c reporting for indoc on the 15th. What year are you?


Registered User
Some small pieces of advice for your first yr:
-Don't run from campus police
-Don't give campus police a fake name
-Don't drive campus police golf carts in the river


Registered User
IceWoman04 said:
Some small pieces of advice for your first yr:
-Don't drive campus police golf carts in the river

haha, i can see myself doing something like that.


Registered User
The funny thing is all the people I know who did all those things are still in NROTC. Oh and one more thing
-Don't put a picture of yourself on Hot or Not.com of you in a flight suit saying your a pilot when it's just a picture of you from your summer training cruise


Semper Gumby "Always Flexible"
IceWoman04 said:
The funny thing is all the people I know who did all those things are still in NROTC. Oh and one more thing
-Don't put a picture of yourself on Hot or Not.com of you in a flight suit saying your a pilot when it's just a picture of you from your summer training cruise

HAHA I know a few Midn that put up thier pics in choker whites with aviator glasses and said they were in they were aviators!!! Good times..... :D

AHHHH...4/c year was great.
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