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Look at what showed up in the mail today


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
I'm aware that this was a data breach. Just a reminder to those in public service that their privacy may not be what they think it is. As an aside (and the reason I know this) is that we had to provide certain clearance investigation details to the USAF to participate in one of their exercises. The only way to do this was to FOIA the investigations of the entire squadron, then submit that to the USAF. Talk about a backward way of doing business. On the plus side, I got to know what all my neighbors thought of me. :)

I'm sure half your squadron was still denied access, just because, with no explanation given.

Of course, we let our enemies have all this information through incompetence, but I still can't do my job properly until halfway through my tour just because someone at the Pentagon (probably in the USAF) decides to sit on everything. Then I PCS, and the security jobs program starts all over again...

Security: protecting those with a need to know from the information they should have had 12 months ago.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
Sat down with OPM investigator yesterday for my periodic re-investigation - and just in the nick of time too considering I submitted the packet in March.... After sitting through a very unprofessional (unprepared) interview for about 10 minutes I asked the investigator if he would like to reschedule for some time in the future when he might be more ready. He looked up from his yard-sale of papers and curtly said "no." At this point, I highly recommend not making a snarky comment about just asking the Chinese for the info since they have it anyway. The OPM folks DO NOT find this as humorous as you and I might.

I'm sure they're tired of hearing it; but I'm tired of putting up with incompetence.
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Well-Known Member
Site Admin
When being interviewed for webmaster's re-investigation, the amount of ignorance about modern technology/communications was mind-boggling. I'm glad webmaster gave me a heads up she was coming just so I could come up with ways to try and explain what a "web forum" was.


Well-Known Member
The last interview I had was done by a contractor, but that was in the heyday of clearances after 9/11.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
Anybody else see the irony in this?

If not, I'll help you out.

Sure, one doesn't necessarily need a security clearance to write an article like the one linked above but then there's that whole issue of credibility and....well, accountability. Every time I see his name come up in the news I'm left to ask (again) what O-5 or O-6 commander would be allowed to continue sitting in whatever position they were in with a suspended clearance? When asked about this in the past other senior navy leaders have pointed to the delays associated with DoJ investigations. I think that's an extremely poor answer, again, because much more junior individuals get shown the door for much less before investigations are ever completed. I think the navy has a phrase for this, "loss of confidence in the ability to lead..."