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Spaceman Spiff

Registered User
I won't be graduationg college until May 2003 and I plan on doing the DEP after I get PRK and hopefully a pilot slot. What are the goods and bads of what I'm doing? I understand I get $ after I'm comissioned but I sign my life away for like 6 years...what else?


Paul Burke

Registered User
For a pilot going through OCS you have to give 7 years if you go helos and 8 years if you go jets or maritime. So it's more like 8 1/2- 10 years actually. You pretty much have to be in the DEP. You need to apply early in order to ecure the time that you want to leave for OCS


Registered User
If you meet the requirements you should apply for BDCP. That way your getting pay and benefits. You'll also get guaranteed your aviation slot. Another thing is that you will get into the first OCS class after graduating from college, even if it's full.


Registered User
WARNING!!!!!!!! This guy is a class 1 idiot. I am reffering to "Spaceman spiff" here and he is a missile geek in the AF. He basiclly is jelous of all the pilots since he is NPQ. I am not joking about this and well you can go see the kind of stuff he posts on studentpilot.com under military aviation. Look at the way he worded his question here, "I understand I get $ after I'm comissioned but I sign my life away for like 6 years...what else?". He's going to try to rattle people up and piss everyone off.


Registered User
It's very true. You can do a search for his name and you will see all the people he pissed off with his half brain comments. But get this, he isn't even in the AF or even close to it. His brother is a star comman geek and for some reason he and spiff do not like pilots or future pilots. He likes to think that he and his brother at the "real" protectors of the U.S. because they have access to the controls of an ICBM.

Paul Burke

Registered User
Raptor- You sure you got the right guy? Or the right website for that matter? Everthing that Spaceman has posted here has been inquisitive and respectful. After a brief search, I found no one on studentpilot.com using the same handle or anything close to it or whose first name is Kris.


Registered User
OK, after doing some more research on that other site, it turns out that there is another spiff. So, I owe spaceman an apologize.

Sorry man.

Spaceman Spiff

Registered User
OK, after doing some more research on that other site, it turns out that there is another spiff. So, I owe spaceman an apologize.

Sorry man.

It's all good, this is the first and only military/aviation board I've posted on and my only brother is a sophomore in high school. Just watch your assumptions. Other than that, what is BDCP and is there a glossary I can check with for any future abbreviations I run across?


Edited by - Spaceman Spiff on 02/25/2002 21:36:36


Registered User
I know exactly who you are talking about, the guy is a moron. Luckily he hasn't found his way to this board!


Registered User
Hey spiff, I was just checking out your bio and it says that you are at SJSU. I'm transferring there this fall man so i'll probably see you around there. Later.


Registered User
Spaceman Spiff,
If you read through some of old posts you will find out the scoop on BDCP (Bachelor Degree Completion Program) or ask the officer recruiter in your area.
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